EBC-46, a novel PKC inhibitor shows pre-clinical potential
EBC-46, a novel PKC inhibitor shows pre-clinical potential
From wikimedia commons: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b8/EBC-46.svg/310px-EBC-46.svg.png

A recent article published in Medical Express last week touts the impressive findings of a pre-clinical study on the experimental drug EBC-46 (pictured above). In the article, they claim that EBC-46 is able to effectively destroy tumors by destroying the blood vessels that supply it with oxygen and nutrients. It is important, however, to remember that the work they are reporting on is very preliminary and has yet to be shown to be safe or effective in humans. Many promising candidate drugs fail very early on in clinical trials because of an unforeseen side-effect or because the drug simply does not work as well in humans as in animal models.

Furthermore, EBC-46 may be a novel drug, but its target is nothing new. EBC-46 targets a protein called Protein Kinase C (PKC) that, when inhibited, prevents tumor cells from making proteins that help them live. PKC has been targeted by several compounds, with one, PMA getting a phase I clinical trial (safety and efficacy in a limited group of people with cancer). Unfortunately, PMA caused severe and life-threatening side effects and the trial was stopped.

Given the questionable history of PKC inhibitors, it has yet to be seen if EBC-46 will be safe to use in humans.

For the article upon which the press release was based see below:
Intra-Lesional Injection of the Novel PKC Activator EBC-46 Rapidly Ablates Tumors in Mouse Models

Edited by SITN Waves Editor Adam Brown.


166 thoughts on “New cancer drug promising, but has a long way to go

  1. Like all cancer cures – the global medical industrial cabal will make this disappear as well.
    Many have already been ‘disappeared’ into holding companies
    Step 1 – Patent a naturally occurring compound.
    Step 2 – Find out if it works to determine if it is worth the effort and resources to suppress and if it does…
    Step 3 – Claim that it is unsafe and failed clinical trials and transfer the patents to some black hole holding company.

    Any and all cancer cures will be made to disappear because ANY cure would decimate the global multi-$TRILLION$ medical/pharma business that is designed to bleed the sick of their money using the modern equivalent of medieval torture and poisoning to achieve an early death. Because the dead cannot fight back!

    1. Bob, if you were the EVIL CEO of a failing ‘MEDIUM TO UPPER BIG PHARMA’ company and you had the cure for cancer, you would just release it and make your company hundreds of BILLIONS – in spite of your competetition potentially losing TRILLIONS (poor ‘bigger pharma’). That would make you a really good evil CEO. If money was the object… ‘little pharma’ would JUMP at the chance… and you sir, are a LOON!

  2. My wife has been diagnoses for cancer started utters and than moved to her chest and now into her brain. Have done Chemo, radiations and last Cibernife treatment. Now we are waiting for the results of the Cibernife. Please send me an email if there are any other cures that we can do. God bless all and wish all cancer pationats altimate cures. Thanks

  3. While it is true that large corporations obviously need to make money (that is the whole point of being in business after all) some of the suggestions here are plainly swivel eyed. If there was a certain cure for cancer it would not be being hidden, or suppressed, it would be being marketed.

    If there was a secret cure then there would be a group of well connected people who miraculously recover – unless of course you also suggest that the evil research scientists would even keep this secret knowledge from their own family? Then again, given some of the bunkum posted in this thread, that wouldn’t surprise me at all. Who needs reality when fantasy is so much more interesting.

    If you have cancer and are reading this, I wish you well.

  4. It works, its a berry from rainforest,its natural. No fucking side effects. They just make excuses these pharmas to keep selling million dollars fucking chemicals like chemo. Inject it to lungs or blood stream, i bet it cures all cancers like lungs etc. Hell all good cures are natural and can be found on the land.

    1. You’ve NO idea what you’re talking about. Stop reading these conspiracy theory bullshit websites and start reading real,objective,scientific FACTS!just last night i was with the research couple who discovered this drug.they’re trying their damndest to bring it to market but it’s a long, hard and expensive journey. And the regulation is for the protection of the public from unscrupulous quacks and dangerous substances.They’ve been at it for 16 years and there’s still a way to go before we see it in pharmacies. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to spend 16 years researching a drug?? 16 years not making a cent but still have to pay the bills? You say it cures ALL cancers. That’s total crap. I’ve no idea which toilet of a conspiracy theory website you pulled it from. According to the couple who isolated this chemical it does NOT cure all cancers. They say so themselves. Are you saying they’re lying? Do you claim to know their drug better than they do? The woman’s SISTER died from liver cancer! If it could cure she would have used it to cure her sister!If you want the real facts go to their website and read what cancers it’s been successfully tested on in research and which cancers it can’t cure. You’ll learn far more from that than from the garbage websites where you get your ignorant crap

      1. BULLSHIT! You are just a shill for the global medical/pharma cabal!

        ALL current cancer treatments POISON and TORTURES people with drugs and radiation that ARE KNOWN TO DO HARM. People survive in spite of the ‘treatment’ not because of them. It is modern medieval medical practice – no different than the use of leeches and bleeding was to cure a cold!

        In spite of this, nothing else is ALLOWED to be used no matter how benign the side effects or the effectiveness. A person with a terminal illness is fundamentally prevented from using potential cancer cures by an industry that is hell bent to prevent a cure from becoming public knowledge! The person is GOING to die anyway – usually while being poisoned and tortured and bled dry of their life savings in the process but no they cannot try something else – because it could potentially ‘hurt’ them! The utter ABSURDITY of the arguments and justification used to prevent potential cancer cures from being used by the public at large is nothing short of CRIMINAL! I have followed several viable clinical trials of drugs, immuno-therapy and alternative ultra-low dose radio-frequency treatments at both the animal and human levels and each and every time they are found to be viable CURES they have just disappeared into some black hole holding company that produces no further research or reports.

        1. That’s a rather cynical approach to looking at this. The cancers that require chemo and radiation therapy intervention will eventually kill you. Yes treatment for these cancers have a lot of negative side effects since the drugs you are using target healthy cells (to a lesser extent) since it can’t differentiate between cancer cells and your own cells (since cancer cells by all genetic means are your own cells that have undergone mutations to avoid normal bodily controls). Radiation therapy also isn’t precise enough yet to target only the tumor cells since these things are closely surrounded by your own tissue.

          So yes cancer treatment sucks and reduces quality of life. But would you rather die for sure by leaving the cancer alone or undergoing palliative care or fight through the side effects in hopes of a chance to survive a disease that was by all means a decade or two ago a death sentence to most individuals.

          Now for alternative treatments, there are many drugs that make it to clinical trial that fail out. Drug production is a very long and difficult process. Of 100,000 drugs that meet preliminary requirements, maybe a few 100 drugs get to clinical trials and from that batch maybe 1-2 drugs meet the efficacy (they have equal or better therpaeutic effect than current therapy) and safety requirements (they won’t kill you) to be sold to the public. There have been drugs that looked promising into clinical trials that have failed out because it literally kills the patient within a day or two. So it’s not big pharmacy trying to screw you over when you see most of the research disappear that looked promising early into clinical trials.

          I’m not sure what you are referring to by ultra low dose radiation frequency therapy for cancer. We have potential radioablation for regression, or variable doses of standard radiation therapy.

          But regardless… I hope you can see some things from a physicians point of view. We have a drug/treatment that is not ideal but have been proven by 100s of study to help treat cancer, vs a drug that looks promising preclinically (animal studies) but have almost no research done on human trials. The doctor would go to the standard treatment 100% of the time because it’s backed by research. For all we know the alternative drug can be better than standard treatment but more likely it could also not be. The thing is the doctor won’t risk a patients life on clinical trial drugs unless he/she shows no response to standard treatment (in fact this is a requirement for pretty much all clinical drug trial patients).

          It isn’t about trying to keep cancer alive to make more money. Cancer is complicated and there isn’t one way to cure them because for all practical pursposes each cancer is a different disease requiring a slightly different therapy in each individual. And the research simply haven’t caught up with it.

          not trying to attack you or anything, but I hope you believe a little less that everyone in the healthcare industry is out for money. Cancer is an enemy of humanity or just the current patients. I am not saying the pharmaceutical and medical industry is clear of all corruption but there are many people in and outside the industry that are working to find better ways to treat cancer.

        2. “nothing else is ALLOWED to be used”

          “I have followed several viable clinical trials of drugs, immuno-therapy and alternative ultra-low dose radio-frequency treatments at both the animal and human levels and each and every time they are found to be viable CURES they have just disappeared into some black hole holding company that produces no further research or reports”

          Unless you post a link or two (or some other reference), you’re just lying.
          “leeches and bleeding”? – you obviously don’t know that leeches are used in modern treatment today?

          Try getting.. educated? https://www.mooc-list.com/course/exploring-cancer-medicines-futurelearn

          1. I’m not wrong – you’re just in denial. I’m not scared – just pissed off after watching several of my friends and family go through the absurd medieval poisoning and torture of chemo and surgery only to die a miserable death over a period of months and years!

            Yes, big pharma is keeping this from being made available to the public – you just don’t want to believe that could be the case.

            Here is just ONE link to answer you with. I could prove more but just this one could have been curing cancer for the last few years. It was over a decade since this CURE was discovered and it has disappeared since the completion of the incredibly successful 100% effective animal trials without ANY side effects! Way better than any immunotherapy.


        3. Have you heard of Herceptin? I suspect not. It is a monoclonal antibody that causes very few, if any side effects. It was developed by a pharmaceutical and has been saving the lives of people whose cancer over expresses HER2 (I’m sure you don’t know what that is either) since 1995. It doesn’t work all the time but no remedy does. People shouldn’t blather on about things they don’t know.

    2. Crap. A natural rain-forest berry here in Australia is looking promising as a treatment for lumpy cancers. It is touted as a miracle cure by the alternatives who also claim it has no side-effects. It is in fact effective because it is highly toxic to both cancer and normal body cells. It is injected directly into cancer lumps to minimise toxic side effects. Vets have been trialling it for a while with successful outcomes. Oh NO it is in fact Chemo Therapy!

  5. Many natural compounds have been brought to us by Big Bad Pharma. Gila monster venom is the chemical compound in Byetta and Bydureon that has helped many diabetics. Milk Thistle is in the veterinary drug Denamarin and a human injection that treats people who have eaten poisonous mushrooms that damage livers. It simply is not true that Big Pharma ignores natural remedies because they won’t make them money. Most natural remedies do not pass double-blinded controlled clinical testing so they do not work.

  6. Dr Otto Warburg received 2 Nobel prizes for cancer research and it’s cure in the 1930’s. I personally know a cancer research scientist that walked out of a cancer research laboratory in the 1980’s because he said we have known about a cure for decades. It’s all about money and population control. Nitrilosides B17 a anticancer substance – Banned. 100% grape seed extract – Banned and I can keep going because all are anti cancer agents. Whoever thinks this is a conspiracy theory needs to wakeup and live in the real world!!!

    Plus it’s written into the cancer research legislation that all government funding world wide will be stopped once a cure has been found, meaning Trillions of dollars gone and thousands of lost jobs. Don’t believe me, then read it!!!

    1. Dude, you’re a moron. I have cancer (had, hopefully) and have spent thousands of hours probably studying it. B17 is a bullshit quack science compound (it was named B17 for marketing purposes to make it sound like a vitamin) that breaks down into cyanide in your blood. It possibly cures cancer in the same way that a bullet to the brain would cure it. Almost all of these “natural cures” spouted online are people trying to make a profit off of scared and uninformed people who are afraid of chemo and surgery. Cancer, by it’s very nature, is extremely complex and hard to cure exactly because the cancer cells have essentially turned into super-survivor cells that start to act independently of the body’s control. Which means they’ve evolved a way to avoid immune system response, among other survival mechanisms. Additionally, each different type of cancer are from different origin cells, which means some “magic bullet” for all types of cancer is highly unlikely. The idea that “Big Pharma is hiding the cure” is plausible until you consider that “Big Pharma” doesn’t control cancer research worldwide. There are also university hospital researchers, researchers in communist or socialist countries like China or Scandinavia, as well as doctors at major cancer hospitals who do research. You’re actually suggesting that every doctor worldwide who are trying to treat cancer patients, and who have to watch them die, are so evil that they’d rather avoid any research that won’t benefit “Big Pharma”, or avoid “proven” cures that would heal their patients, and watch them die, for profit. Do you realize that cancer researchers have family members occasionally who die from cancer? The stupidity alone of your argument wouldn’t warrant a response, except that it pushes people who actually have cancer to waste money on BS “cures” that profit the companies who make the B17 pills, or grape seed extract pills, or whatever, and essentially scare them into dying when, sometimes, they don’t have to. Yes, cancer sucks. Yes, it sucks that doctors can’t cure all cancer. But this is the real world, not some fantasy world where a “heal all wounds” spell will make the cancer go away. Doctors aren’t all-knowing, omnimpotent gods with control over all biological processes in the body. And encouraging scared cancer patients to throw their lives away and die painfully because you’re to stupid to do research and think logically about the things that you promote is a disservice to them. The drug above seems promising, as do a few other natural compounds (research “longvida curcumin or BCM-95 curcumin”, research “EGCg”, the green tea compound) but even these aren’t so much “cures” as things which may potentially have some effect based on research. But don’t spread your idiocy and condemn others to poisoning themselves with cyanide when there are real ways to increase one’s chances of surviving cancer that are based on science. Your “information” is based on conspiracy sites, debunked “studies”, and blogs by people hoping to cash in on cancer in exactly the way that you’re accusing “Big Pharma”.

        1. Ditto. The people pushing their natural cure, and I Do, want to believe there are some, are making a dollar of of you as well, without the science. It is too easy to put ALL the blame here or there. I think there have been some cover ups and there is some greed, but not everywhere, all the time. Do your home work and research. These blanket judgements occur so much in our society and politics. It’s killing us. And the accusers sound so negative and hateful, vs factual. I see both sides. But do get tired of the conspiracy brainwashing. I am a bit of a conspiracist myself, but I want to be cautious, balanced. I am continually shocked at the kinds of responses folks give that are ugly, Un civilized, hateful and so negative you gotta consider that aspect before you can hear what they are trying to say. Their negativity eclipses any potential truth to what they may be saying…

      1. I agree to 99%! Well said!

        Then there’s “There are […] researchers in communist or socialist countries like China or Scandinavia, as well as doctors at major cancer hospitals who do research”.

        You obviously don’t know anything about Scandinavia. Like for example “Openness”, “Freedom”, “Democracy” or “The Nobel Prize”… or that one of the world’s top medical research universities is in Stockholm (Karolinska).

        “communist or socialist countries”… jeez

      2. And we are to believe that you actually have cancer and B17 does nothing because you say so?

    2. Ha, Ha, Ha. Love a good laugh. Don’t ask people to read it unless you provide references to the actual evidence. If you have done any actual research beyond accessing conspiracy sites.

  7. Is it possible to read about cancer without someone coming up with these ridiculous ,unintelligent and unproven conspiracy theories about how Big Pharma is hiding the cure for cancer because it would take away their profits? Are these conspiracy theorists seriously saying that the CEOs of pharmaceutical companies would risk themselves and their loved ones dying of cancer while they supress a cure,all to make money? And if monetary gain is the motive are they aware how many billions could be made by whoever finds a cure for cancer? And yes drug discovery is a business. If anyone disagrees, they should feel free to spend hundreds of millions of their own dollars doing research on drugs, many of which fail, then when they find the few effective drugs, give them away free and we’ll see how long they’ll be able to keep doing that! I’m so sick to death of the ignorance and superstition being spread by conspiracy theorists with not a shred of proof to support their ranting

      1. If the people working at pharmaceutical companies figured out the cure for cancer in the 1920s when we didn’t even understand DNA, then why has no one in the thousands of labs in academia (paid for by our tax dollars and/or funds from cancer societies) been able to catch up to them and figure this out? Or do you think every single person in the HUGE field of cancer research is just motivated by the money? Just to be clear, this would mean everyone from the physician scientists who treat patients suffering from this disease to the graduate students and post-docs who are paid 30-50k a year to actually do the hands-on parts of the research to the thousands of researchers who are working on cancer drugs in pharmaceutical companies now.

          1. Many “drugs” you’re referring to begin as natural substances that are modified to be used safely as therapeutic agents (Taxol, Paclitaxel, etc.). A synthetic version of the EBC-46 molecule can easily be patented for use in treatment. Not everything is a damn conspiracy. The millions of individuals in the healthcare industry are not all trying to screw you. Please do some research into how much money is spent by pharmaceutical companies annually on research for the development of new therapies. How the hell do you think this compound (EBC-46) was even discovered? Also, QBiotics has current patents pending in many major countries, including the US, so do some research.

      2. You’re a flog! Which cure was that? Stop watching shit on Rv and start getting a real education champ! You’re embarrassing yourself

      3. The cure to what cancer? You do realize there are tons of different cancers with infinite number of mechanisms for why they appear? Hence to why they are all treated differently. Cancer is a by product of being alive for a long time, your cells divide so often, and are exposed to enough things that are damaging that eventually something will go wrong. The idea that we will ever have a cancer “cure” is just laughably naive and shows how little you understand. There is a ton of different mechanisms for dealing with this as well, and a mistake in any one of those can lead to cancer as well. Hence to why AGE is the most important risk factor for cancer. You people act like humans would live forever if there wasn’t big pharma or chemicals in our food. Or if birth defects, cancer, whatever didn’t exist before the advent od modern science. People died alot earlier and by alot of reasons that we can absolutely CURE now. We are all meant to die. The fact that people can’t comprehend “why is food with chemicals in it cheaper” is a real depressing concept for the intelligence of humanity. Chemicals/GMOs aren’t in food for the heck of it, its because it increases the yield of our food sources whether thats via bacteria, weather, whatever. We don’t have massive famines like we used to for these reasons when we have a hard winter now. Lastly, big pharm is not this eye in the sky controlling everything. People at private and public institutions across the world have a role in researching disease and medicine, they are not all secretly conspiring to sabotage their own research to keep the world sick. To suggest so is insulting to anyone who has devoted their time and intelligence to science.

      4. Please explain what “the cure for cancer” is…Cancer is a generalized term covering many different diseases each requiring specific treatments or “cures”. All these big pharma comments seem to suppose that all these cancers seem to have one miracle cure that is being suppressed by a gentlemans agreement between competing pharmaceutical companies.

    1. Haha, are you serious? You need to wake up buddy. Conspiracy theories are based on activities and stories that are hidden and/or covered up. The Pharmacy industry is so blankety the biggest and most greediest corrupt industry in the world, coming in and ranking just above the banking industry, they have a history of covering up simple natural drugs and replacing them with patented own products. It’s a fact, not conspirecy. But feel free to gulp down all the crap the Pharmacy are telling you and giving you.

      1. youre right! big pharma is the biggest covert organised crime in history! they keep using chemo with a 98% failure after 80 years ! they hide any cures and allow 8 million people a year to die to maintain a trillion dollar killing industry! the cancer councils are evil as well, not wanting a cure!

    2. @Zen I think you are being a little naive. Decisions made in large pharmaceutical corporations are made by CEOs and boards of directors, who do not need and rarely have any education in medicine. They are business managers who are held to a fiduciary mandate to generate the highest possible return on investment. This may or may not overlap with a clinician’s desire to reduce human pain and suffering. The business managers control the company. The health professionals, researchers and clinicians, are employees who can be fired and hired as needs be. The corporation produces goods and services that are a vehicle for generating revenue, not for curing disease. If necessary, they would switch to producing widgets if there was more profit in it.

    3. Pharma not about the money? One word oxycodone, in the american opioid crisis thousands of people die. Due to that fact american doctors prescribe less oxycodone. Now oxys get shipped all over the world to make sure they can keep on sellimg this product, willingly and knowingly it is highly addictive and people are dying. Americans are 5 percent of the worlds population but use 75 percent of the worlds psychoactive drugs. Let that sink in.

    4. Agree. Also over 70% of “Big” Pharma’s production are from natural sources. They are the ones leading the research into naturally occurring substances with pharmaceutical applications. They are the ones who have to provide evidence based medicines at great cost regardless of its source.
      Big-AldMed on the other hand conducts little or no research and makes billions on testimonial based “medicines” sold as food supplements to avoid responsibility for their inflated claims.

  8. You think the Pharmas will be happy losing millions on chemo drugs? Like an ex-pharmaceutical student who was selling gas and electricity told me as I asked him the question why he had given up his career. He said it was “all about money”.

  9. There are “severe and life-threatening side effects” to chemo and radiation and yet that is still the prescribed method to fighting cancer and stopping tumor growth. It’s time for something different!

    1. Very true Also note this article is almost 2 years out of date. And to compare EBC-46 with PMA is not at all reasonable if nothing else. Trails are looking very interesting.

      1. You are right but these Pharma companies will not bring that new formula out for use. Because it is a natural compound so they can’t take patents, if they are unable to take patent – they can’t make money.

        1. This is a sad fact but reality. Why aren’t we all getting together and fighting these S.OB’s ?!?? We outnumber them 100 to 1. Politics and money should never have to have anything to do with medicine. This is sad. So many people die because of greed.

          1. Big pharma is not interested in curing but in making and keeping customers. When we say people the only thing that registairs is $$.

          2. Your thoughts are shared by more than 100-1 I’m going to say 10,000,000 – 1.
            So much work has to be done to fix the corrupt elected .. 🙁

          3. Read the book the truth about cancer by ty bollinger
            The story behind big pharma and follow the money
            Cancer is big business at the cost of millions of lives and heartbreak
            There are definitely alternative means in which to effectively beat cancer

          4. this is so true. i lost my dad 3 yrs ago to 9 different kinds of cancer that could of been cured if our government wouldnt be so greedy. i have lost alot of family members to cancer and now my wife is on the edge of loosing her life to cancer at age of 50. why isnt our government trying to save peoples lives. has any one here went to childrens cancer hospital and see these little kids that have cancer. so freaking sad. tears my heart out that our lazy government is so greedy. please lets take our country back and do whats wright for us all. kill cancer. the government will get cures for drug addicts but not cancer patients. smh.

        2. You might want to look at the company that is conducting clinical trials with EBC-46, your claim is innaccurrate and misleading. They can in fact patent this chemical, and have (I’ll even back it up with a source: https://qbiotics.com/index.php/faq#faq4). I don’t understand why you would think a pharmaceutical company would be uninterested in producing a cure for cancer – it would be extremely profitable for them, and they and their loved ones may one day suffer from a form of cancer and need a cure. It’s in everyone’s interest to find cures. Please don’t buy into conspiracy theories that paint doctors, researchers and pharmaceutical companies as evil cancer spreading villains.

          1. They make more money when there’s diseases verses Everyone being healthy. It’s not conspiracy. I mean healthy organic food is more expensive than go food. So something you add chemicals to is cheaper? Those chemicals cost more than letting something grow naturally. That’s something you shouldn’t have to research to acknowledge. Why havn’t they released the cure of cancer from the killer wasps venom? These corporates only want money. Why was Tesla basically wiped off history books? Why are we fighting wars for oil when alternative means ate easily establishable. Believe me you may think this off subject but a handful of corporations rule the world. So yes, big pharma is one of them. Wake up.

          2. Jho,

            Check out Curaderm BEC5 (a skin cancer cure I have personal experience with) and Rigvir and ask yourself why these are not mass produced in the US.

          3. Well said.
            I had the pleasure of working for “big pharma” as a post doc Chemistry grad and I can assure you no one is sitting around a table thinking “how can we screw humanity”. I say to the conspiritards, skill up and see for yourself if it’s so easy. Get involved. You make the difference. People who complain and do nothing are the worst, they are a net drain on society whilst contributing nothing themselves.

            Of course these are companies that are out to make money, they wouldn’t exist otherwise. And if people can earn a living and cure cancer then they are making a difference. They are still contributing more to human knowledge than I suspect all of the complainers put together.

            So they have contributed nothing and not cured cancer. Wow aren’t you a stand out human.

            Put your money where your mouth is, if it’s so easy to make a living and save humanity… go show us how it’s done. The likes of Buffet and Gates are doing this – go join them. Unfortunately we can’t all be bank rolled by billionaires.

            The rest of us will carry on making a living and if we save some lives along the way I achieved more than the conspiracy nuts bashing on the keyboards in anger.

            Someone needs to wake up, and it’s not me.

          4. All those who think there is a magic cure for cancer that has been hidden, ask yourself this: If it is all about the money then why would someone like Jackie Kennedy or the other super rich folks who have died from cancer not purchased the secret drug or treatment? Certainly if the group of persons hiding the cure could have gotten super rich beyond belief from her and her family.

          5. Former President Jimmy Carter’s brain cancer – CURED!

            Imunotherapy drug that cured him promptly pulled from clinical trails because it was deemed ineffective!

            This isn’t a conspiracy theory – this is fact!

          6. So you think a Pharma would do what was in the best interests of mankind over what’s best for the bottom line? Very optimistic of you, but more likely just naive.

          7. Why cure it when you can just expensively treat it forever? People are so deceived and naive…

          8. To all the nay sayers; it makes no financial sense to suppress cures. You say they make more money when there is disease than when people are healthy? They also make more money when everyone is alive. If you die from cancer or some other disease, you spend no more money on anything.

            You say they make more money on long term treatments than on cures? Yeah, probably. But there are no long term treatments for cancer. You either are cured or you die. Some people will live a few years after diagnosis, but many of them die within a year. So, how much money did they make on letting you die? Again, they don’t get to sell you any more drugs for anything once you’re dead.

            Oh, and Bob, Former President Carter does not have brain cancer. He had skin cancer that spread to his brain. And they didn’t pull the drug he was treated with from clinical trials because they deemed it ineffective. They pulled it from trials because it proved so effective they wanted everyone to have a chance to take it. In clinical trials, only half of patients get the drug. The other half get a placebo. Now, everyone gets to take it. And THAT is factual.

            Yeah, at the end of the day pharmaceutical companies will do what’s best for the bottom line. And what’s best for the bottom line is to keep you alive. That means finding cures and more effective treatments for cancer.

          9. Spot on! Objective, rational, and most reality-based stance one could take. You’ll not find a warm welcome here I’m afraid. People are really dug into these ”Big” conspiracies. They all make the assumption that the players within these ”Big” bodies can agree to perpetuate a common conspiracy. The truth of the matter is, they are all in competition with one another. It is precisely financial gains that would push a company to develop and market a cure. And to call it ”natural” is a stretch. True, the compounds were first isolated from a natural source. All medicines are. But nature rarely provides us the potency to fight disease quickly. Thus these compounds get produced synthetically… identical to their natural source, to a molecule… it is the same with EBC-46. If you go to their website, you’ll see that the compounds are now synthesized. This prevents them from having to clear cut Northern Australia for the materials. And alas, I’ve waisted a valuable portion of the day to address age old conspiracy hyperbole. I said I wouldn’t do this anymore.

          10. You must work for one. Dumbest shit on the Web I have read in years. Your a special kind of stupid if you think they care about a cure!

          11. Big pharma don’t want to cure because they will induce their profit. Insted they find ways to keep people on the edge between life and deth to ensure that they will have no time or will to dig in.

          12. But their are hundreds of instances of big pharma not being interested in naturally based unpatentable cures for diseases… Its the documented fact not a theory

          13. How could you not think Big Pharma isn’t into healing? They demonstrate why daily. Treating symptoms instead of providing cures keeps patients coming back. They will not produce a natural product no matter how effective because they can’t patent it. They would “bury” it like they have other effective treatments. Drug companies can patent a natural substance by slightly changing the formula from the naturally occurring product. Look at the markets for Statins and Proton Pump Inhibitors. Billions made and now we know that neither is actually safe to use long term. Same with synthetic estrogen. Follow the money.

          14. Bravo and thank you from a researcher tired of hearing about a worldwide conspiracy of tens of thousands of my colleagues, all of whom would be willing to see their loved ones die in order to make money treating cancer.

          15. Thank you! sometimes in these forums common sense actually prevails. You are correct. Doctors desperately want to find a cancer med. So do pharma companies. There is no conspiracy to “keep people sick” I have NH Lymphoma and I am alive because of the proven treatment we already have.
            I dont like side effects but chemo is much better than it was. Many, many lives are saved with the “traditional treatments” My mother had cancer three different times in her life Fist time was a complete cure. Second time it did not show up for 7 years, but she would have died then. They gave her that 7 years.
            If there is promise in this drug which there doesnt seem to be, but if there is, you will see it tested and brought to the market. thats how it works and im sorry it just isnt as fascinating as black helicopters, CEOs who meet up to thwart cancer cures. You all read too much Patterson and Crichton.

          16. Probably we humans are tired of medicine telling us what is wrong with us but as always, they can’t cure it. Cutting, chemopoison, or radiation is wrong, in fact medieval. Invent medical science!!!

          1. As a farmer, let me tell you why organic (no chemical food) is more expensive. You have to grow a lot more of it because it gets wiped out by bugs, disease, etc. You have to charge more to make it profitable.

          2. In reply to Daniel Gunther, Rigvir itself has not been approved by the FDA but another type of oncolytic virotherapy was approved by the FDA in 2015, so they are actually making a move toward newer treatments like that, just not that specific brand name of virotherapy.

        3. they dont need that much time if it work it work . those pharma monsters if they cant patent it . then they will hide it from the world

        4. This molecule IS patented– by the company that discovered it. Just because it’s a natural product doesn’t mean it can’t be patented.

        5. Incorrect. They can make money from it. While the substance is found in nature, it can be synthesised. i.e. exact copies made in the laboratory. Manufacturing the substance will make money. It is no accident that it is a pharmaceutical company that found it with their research. The chemical is 12-tigloyl-13-(2-methylbutanoyl)-6,7-epoxy-4,5,9,12,13,20-hexahydroxy-1-tiglian-3-one. I think EBC-46 sounds less “chemical”. Half the income for pharmaceutical companies is by reproducing naturally found compounds. They are atom for atom identical. Who do you think it is making billions from vitamins and minerals – Pharmaceutical companies. Stop being paranoid over imagined conspiracies.

        6. That’s not true. Thousands of pharmaceutical drugs are made from natural compounds, but they have to be refined and tested and often tweaked so they can be safe and efficient. While you can’t patent the berry or fungus or whatever the active ingredient comes from, you can absolutely patent the drug you derived from them. If this turns out to be an efficient drug, the companies will be falling over themselves and each other to get the rights to manufacture and sell it.

        7. That’s not true. You can get a use patent. And a semi synthetic derivative would be protectable with a composition of matter patent as has happened with analogues of Taxol.

        8. And. That is why it is taking so long hmmm how can we patent this … looks like we can …well this is gonna take some time.

        9. This is the key to why we don’t have any other options in the market yet. If the medicine is natural nobody can take patents and makes money of it, and cancer is a billion or trillion dollar business. They don’t want to find the cure. Dont trust the pharmancy companies. They don’t care about us. They care about cash. Srinivas your absolutely right! I’ve lost my trust in humanity.

        10. Ecologic already has the patent for this … these companies know how to make money… they got this berry banned from the aus market sayi g people would try homemade products tgat will be dangerous… and since it is grown in a very small part of a rain forest in queensland aus they already controll it…

        11. EXTREME Immorality – if drug companies are holding back cures

          Beware ov Greed —- for Greed is

          ——————–I N F I N I T E———————

        12. Not enough people seeing whats going on or too scared to do anything. The land of the free is no more! Our rights are constantly being taken away. The government is supposed to be for the people and its run by people with money who have to have money before they can become elected they want to take guns away that way we cannot revolt against them. The police are supposed to protect and serve us most of time citizens are being bullied tasered or shot . We do what we are told by government they supposed to listen to us. The pharmaceutical companies are helped out by Gates and his cronies who all own a piece of them. Gates isn’t a medical man why is making decisions about our lives why do we have to take his vaccine and be marked or microchiped . If we don’t we can’t get work aid or the right to shop. Land of the free? They can watch our every move listen to what we say if they dont like it they remove it or the person or both. What we have here is a nation of people being scared and bullied into what the very rich and power hungry want and turning the people of a once great nation into a bunch of sheep . And Gates wants to contiue his fathers work depopulating the planet. , hes got a head start with some of his vaccines already like the women he accidentally sterilized OOPS ! The texas politician who wants the elderly to give up their lives and says hes willing to do it , REALLY ? Hes helping run the state , he is working for the government , he’s a freaking looney tune, the elderly a waste of money and resources hmm how old is Gates , Fauci , the president, most members of congress , senators, are they going to line up to be euthanized like they want the elderly to? They going to keep on and it won’t be long before some start taking shots at the elderly for the greater good. If you havent noticed that since those few moms bitched about spanking kids that children today are rude , don’t give crap what parents say the feeling of family is disappearing , they know parents can’t control any more ,the kids just yell abuse , we have teens killing their parents and others with no emotion, kids thinking that their grandparents are disposable, i reckon that puts a stop to grandmothers house we go for the holidays. Pretty soon the once great people of this nation will be a nation of slaves for the elite of the world., or maybe wiped out, after all everything is becoming disposable! Is there any hope? Its kinda late now, should have paid attention to those who were trying to make you see it years ago before we lost almost all our rights. It would take the people to do something now , cant see it happening too many want to stick their head in the sand and butt in the air and say take me!
          We should hang our heads in shame
          IT’S All ABOUT THE MONEY AND THE POWER! If you don’t have that then you’re really just a waste of space and resources and better off eliminated for the greater good of the elite of the world . I don’t know how the rest of this nation feels but i myself have a grieving heart and my thoughts of what more horrors we have to witness being done to supposedly help us ignorant little not billionaire people , just chills me to the bones and even worse what will happen to my daughter my 3 grandchildren when I’m gone scares me beyond belief. I f there is any decent humans working in the senate and congress who are not out to destroy we the people, not greedy and in cahoots with all the power hungry emotionless beings running the country, now would be a good time to lend we the people a helping hand so we can fix this nation , just remember they lie to us , they could be lying to you as long as you have a use. for them, food for thought!-

        13. Actually they usually hold effective stuff off until they can synthesise their version and then they push for it even though they get side effects from their formulation. Yep that’s so that they get to treat the side effects that they made. You saw this explicitly in the restrictions on cheap Covid remedies and the insistence that everyone take their ineffective vaccines … surprises me that they are getting away with hawking their series of hoke remedies …

    2. This IS chemotherapy. If this is given to cancer patients, it will immediately be referred to as a “chemotherapy” drug and administered accordingly. What else would they call it? And one most hilarious aspects of this is that you’ll probably (and other anti-western medicine advocates) talk about how horrible this “chemotherapy drug” is in whatever new name its give and fight against it so this “new” drug can be administered having no idea it’s literally the same thing. What did you think this possible new drug is made out of? Bubbles and happiness? Everything has chemicals in it. This will cause side effects if it works.

      1. Exactly. I have just had chemo for breast cancer, using a compound derived from a plant! Honestly, people’s arrogance about expertise beyond their reckoning is astounding. And irritating to those of us who live because of the pharmaceutical companies, not in spite of them!

      2. EBC 46 caused the death of my dog in a trial study. It’s not a safe drug. Anaphylactic seizures and severe pain and swelling

        1. Hi Missy
          Sorry to hear about the death of your dog. When and what was the trial? Mast cell tumours?


    3. YEs! My brother-in-law had stage 1 Esophageal cancer; received chemo and radiotherapy. After finishing the treatment, he died as a result of the radiotherapy damaging his lungs!!

      1. I have a friend who was critically ill with cancer. Thanks to chemotherapy she is currently free of tumours and recovering nicely.

    4. Yes but it is expensive so they win money from chemotherapy. If this one Ebc46 is cheap it will never cime to the people who need it

    5. I think they are having difficulty finding out how to control it’s access from the public. they’re having difficulty cornering the market and monetizing it. That is what I think the holdup is and that’s why you can’t find out what the exact name is, if it’s a fruit extract and they’re having success with it we’re all eating fruits. they’re trying to monetize it corner market so that they can inflate the price and milk us dry. That what I think.

    6. People are right about these big pharma companies. I know personally. The drug prednisone ruined my life but doctors keep giving it to people. And you can’t sue them. Everything’s designed for doctors, lawyers and pharmaceutical companies to make money. Probably this E BC 46 won’t be worth a sh*t when “they” are done taking out key components from the actual plant.

    7. Because the doctor’s get to pocket 4,000 every prescription of chemotherapy, knowing it is proven NOT to work about90% of the time!

    8. Agree! There are very few liver cancer drugs and results are either terrible side effects, no improvement or perhaps a few months extra life.

    9. Even if this proved successful it’s development would almost certainly be strangely stifled by the seriously fat fingers buried in so many pies…!

    10. Exactly. People are waking up to chemo and radiotherapy. I won’t go near them if I get cancer. They are basically a death sentence. They only reduce the tumour not get rid of the cancer, hence ‘remission’ not cured.

    11. EBC 46 was so successful that the FDA stopped that 2 nd human trails in Asia. No adverse effects, no deaths nothing just cancer cells destroyed. Even in the reports from the doctors themselves stated no side effects at all.
      The documentation from Australia over 5 years in human trails showed no downside in using EBC 46. Why? If EBC 46 is so effective on killing cancer, how much money would be lost for the drug companies?

    12. I agree. It’s nothing short of a hefty Double Standard that established medicine is willing to accept or tolerate the dangerous toxicities of prescribed chemo and radiation therapies while at the same time only accepting or tolerating near zero toxicities for promising natural compounds.

    13. My mod died because they gave her to much chemo that cause a hemorrhage , and the later she got an infection been in the hospital, cancer didn’t kill her but the malpractice. that why I’m taking more supplements like vitamin C, ozone, vitamin B12, scorpion venom, vitamin B17, graviola and few more supplements , according to my pathologist the cancer is dying. without chemo or radiation,

    14. You are spot on problem being big pharma would
      Loose billions if chemo was of the menu, and this would destroy their plan to reduce the population

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