A Battle of Time: Biological clocks have a hand in defense against infection

by Ziqi Chen figures by Rebecca Senft Have you ever travelled across time zones? If the answer is yes, you might be familiar with jet lag, a condition that results from an altered internal clock. Jet lag causes symptoms such as disturbed sleep, stomach problems, and mood swings. In recent years, emerging lines of evidence show that jet lag might also affect our immune system, and … Continue reading A Battle of Time: Biological clocks have a hand in defense against infection

Going Back to the Moon to Uncover its Origins

by Yaray Ku figures by Aparna Nathan Our understanding of Earth’s Moon formation relies heavily on rock samples obtained during the Apollo missions as long as 50 years ago. As tempting as it is to believe, these samples unequivocally prove that the Moon is not, in fact, made of cheese. The prevailing theory on Moon formation, called “The Giant Impact” hypothesis, proposes that the Moon … Continue reading Going Back to the Moon to Uncover its Origins