How to improve cheese quality and taste? Understand the cheese’s microbial community.

What makes all the different cheeses taste so wonderful? All of the different microbes that help make your cheese! Scientists have begun linking specific flavors to specific bacteria – meaning sometime soon we can start making designer cheese flavors. Continue reading How to improve cheese quality and taste? Understand the cheese’s microbial community.

Pregnancy, Abortion, and a Crisis of Misinformation

by Harini Chakravarthy “But need alone is not enough to set power free: there must be knowledge.”-Ursula K.Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea A heart-wrenching agony. A practical choice. A relief. A regret. The decision to terminate a pregnancy can be many things. I have had to face this decision in my life and, during that tumultuous period, the one thing I relied on was … Continue reading Pregnancy, Abortion, and a Crisis of Misinformation

Pint-Sized Science: How do songbirds learn their songs?

Interviewee: Dr. Marc Schmidt, Professor of Biology, University of Pennsylvania Interviewer: Hope Merens, PhD Student in the Biological Sciences, Harvard University Pint-Sized Science · Pint-Sized Science: How do songbirds learn their songs? Have you ever wondered how a songbird knows the song that it sings? How successful are different songs at attracting female songbirds, and how do females decide what songs they like? What are … Continue reading Pint-Sized Science: How do songbirds learn their songs?

Solace and Warnings From Our Planet’s Most Successful Non-Human Farmers

by Rebecca Silbermanfigures by Aparna Nathan It only took a few weeks of the coronavirus pandemic to send the American farm industry reeling. The supply chains that connect soy fields and chicken coops and greenhouses with American tables were not built for a world that lacks steady restaurant traffic or school lunches, where instead consumers are emptying supermarket shelves. There is at once a surplus … Continue reading Solace and Warnings From Our Planet’s Most Successful Non-Human Farmers

Et tu, Okmok? Alaska’s Okmok Volcano Contributed to Fall of Roman Republic and the Ptolemaic Kingdom

As the Roman Republic began to fall, the Earth suffered from extreme cold and famine that helped push Rome’s instability to its ultimate collapse. The cause of the extreme climate? The eruption of an Alaskan volcano on the opposite side of the world. Continue reading Et tu, Okmok? Alaska’s Okmok Volcano Contributed to Fall of Roman Republic and the Ptolemaic Kingdom