Designed intelligence: Field notes from the Turing Centenary Conference

The Turing Centenary Conference was held this June at Cambridge University. Cambridge had special significance for Alan Turing, as he spent his formative undergraduate years there and returned there shortly after his PhD. The conference brought together many well known researchers from theoretical computer science, mathematical biology, and philosophy — a fitting celebration for the diversity of Turing’s interests. There was a strand of ideas … Continue reading Designed intelligence: Field notes from the Turing Centenary Conference

An interview with Professor Barbara Liskov, 2008 recipient of the Turing Award

Barbara Liskov is an Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where she is a member of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She has spent the past forty or so years finding and describing new ways to make computer programs work better. In addition to many other projects, she currently works on writing programs that make data safer. Dr. Liskov … Continue reading An interview with Professor Barbara Liskov, 2008 recipient of the Turing Award

Understanding pattern formation during morphogenesis

Ann Druyan, an American author and producer specializing in cosmology and popular science, once said For most of the history of our species we were helpless to understand how nature works. We took every storm, drought, illness, and comet personally. We created myths and spirits in an attempt to explain the patterns of nature. As disordered as nature appears, a number of natural phenomena adhere … Continue reading Understanding pattern formation during morphogenesis

Modeling the brain with computers

Can we build a functional brain using computers? In order to answer that question, we need to know how the brain is built in nature. The human brain is composed of more than 10 billion cells called neurons that can be electrically activated upon stimulation. Neurons produce special proteins called ion channels that are inserted in their cell membranes. These channels allow ions (i.e., electrically … Continue reading Modeling the brain with computers

Artificial intelligence: Will computers pass the Turing test by 2029? Does it matter?

Cars that drive themselves. A program that trounces the best human players at Jeopardy! A machine that defeats the world champion at chess. It would seem that the quest to create human-level artificial intelligence (AI) is making astounding progress, and the end is in sight. But is it? This year, Google’s self-driving car was granted a special license plate by the State of Nevada, allowing … Continue reading Artificial intelligence: Will computers pass the Turing test by 2029? Does it matter?

Difficult to decode: Alan Turing’s life and its implications

“Bruce, did you know that it was an openly gay Englishman who was as responsible as any man for winning the Second World War? His name was Alan Turing and he cracked the Germans’ Enigma code so the Allies knew in advance what the Nazis were going to do – and when the war was over he committed suicide he was so hounded for being … Continue reading Difficult to decode: Alan Turing’s life and its implications

Cognitive neuroscience: Connecting neuroimaging and neural nets

Alan Turing’s revolutionary ideas about computation helped launch the field of cognitive science. One of his major contributions to cognitive science was the idea of a Turing machine, a hypothetical contraption capable of carrying out any algorithm or mechanical procedure using input and output symbols. Could the human mind be considered a kind of organic Turing machine? Could a machine be created that simulates a … Continue reading Cognitive neuroscience: Connecting neuroimaging and neural nets

High-Altitude-Hypoxia: Many solutions to one problem

— Humans are remarkably close-knit, genetically: of the genetic information that can differ from person to person, less than 10% of this variation is specific to any particular population, while the remaining 90% of differences are seen throughout all human populations! Yet, people have migrated to populate diverse and extreme environments worldwide, including hot, humid rainforests, arid deserts, and parched, freezing tundra. How humans are able to survive and reproduce under so many different conditions is a mystery scientists are just beginning to understand. New research offers tantalizing clues as to how populations living in the highlands of Tibet, Ethiopia, and the Andes are able to cope with atmospheric oxygen pressures as low as 60% of that at sea level. Continue reading High-Altitude-Hypoxia: Many solutions to one problem

Zebrafish – Swimming to the Forefront of Disease Research

— The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is perhaps the model organism with the fastest rising popularity in science right now. Model organisms are not organisms that get dressed up and pose for pictures (although that would be cool). Model organisms are a tool for scientists to better understand biology. Have you ever heard someone say that to truly understand how something works, you have to take it apart and then put it back together? It’s a similar story with disease, except incredibly difficult (both ethically and technically) to manipulate a human just to figure out how his disease works. Instead, scientists study model organisms, organisms that have shared biological properties with humans thanks to evolution, to figure out how diseases work. These model organisms can range from yeast (Saccaromyces cerevisiae) to chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and everything in between. There are advantages and disadvantages to every type of model organism, with the overarching caveat that none of them are exactly like humans, so what exactly are the different model organisms and what makes them useful? Continue reading Zebrafish – Swimming to the Forefront of Disease Research