United Nations Report Highlights Opportunities to Improve Global Air Quality

by Nadia Colombifigures by Daeun Jeongedited by Jennifer Sun Air pollution contributes to roughly 7 million deaths worldwide every year. It is among the leading avoidable causes of disease and death globally, and the world’s largest environmental health risk. Furthermore, it is a cause of global health inequities, disproportionately affecting women, children, the elderly, and low-income populations.  Working collectively to implement air quality standards that … Continue reading United Nations Report Highlights Opportunities to Improve Global Air Quality

Competing Visions of Science Funding in Congress

by Nathan Druckerfigures by Daeun Jeong As the U.S. recovers from the pandemic and shores up its environmental defenses from a rapidly changing climate, federal money is being spent like never before. Simultaneously, the exceedingly competitive global economy is driving lawmakers to thrust the American economy into the 21st century. One result of this fervor is a potentially vast increase in federal funding for science … Continue reading Competing Visions of Science Funding in Congress

Real World Evidence: A new approach to approve medical products for children

by Jeongpyo Hongfigures by Xiaomeng Hanedited by Sarah Kalinowski A little boy is in the hospital to fix his leg. His surgeon uses spinal rods developed for adults to fix the little boy’s leg as it is the only thing that really fits. Since the rod was developed for an adult spine, its clinical safety and effectiveness in the legs of children – with considerations … Continue reading Real World Evidence: A new approach to approve medical products for children