On the Basis of (Fish) Sex  

by Emily Goeringfigures by Andrea Luviano Did you know that sea lampreys are more likely to grow into males if they aren’t fed enough food? Or that one type of shrimp produces male offspring in the long days of summer, but females in shorter fall days? Sexual determination systems are the methods by which organisms produce offspring with differing biological sexes. Although all vertebrates evolved … Continue reading On the Basis of (Fish) Sex  


Zebrabow embryos express random combinations of red, green, and blue fluorescent proteins, revealing a spectrum of unique hues. These same hues can be used to ‘barcode’ individual stem cells to track their birth and contribution to tissues as the embryo grows–all cells of the same hue were produced from one stem cell’s divisions. The Zebrabow system allows for long-term tissue lineage analysis, because the fluorescent proteins will … Continue reading Zebrabow

Coloring Nemo: Because now you can!

If you grew up watching Finding Nemo and treasuring little colourful fish in your home mini aquarium, I have very cool news for you. Scientists have now found a way to color small fish like organisms with thousands of fluorescent colors – one for each cell in the fish’s outer body. These creatures known as zebrafish, are unique organisms because their bodies are translucent. When … Continue reading Coloring Nemo: Because now you can!