Decoding Your Brain: The Search for Stability at the Brain-Computer Interface

Bioengineers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh have developed a new computational algorithm to improve the function of brain-computer interfaces. This algorithm works by finding common patterns of activity over time and outperforms the existing best algorithms. Continue reading Decoding Your Brain: The Search for Stability at the Brain-Computer Interface

Brain-machine interfaces may be used to study and regulate mood

Brain-machine interfaces translate brain signals into information that can be used to control robotic limbs, and now even predict an individual’s mood state. Researchers envision using BMIs together with electrical stimulation, to regulate abnormal brain signals in patients with treatment-resistant neuropsychiatric disorders. Continue reading Brain-machine interfaces may be used to study and regulate mood

Pigs & Immortality: A Step Towards Reversing Death

Researchers from the Yale School of Medicine have developed a system capable of sustaining certain aspects of brain function for several hours, even if the host animal has been dead for up to four hours beforehand. While this by no means suggests that complete restoration of neurological function is on the horizon, it reveals the surprising resilience of post-mortem brain tissue, introduces a promising technique that could allow scientists to study certain biological functions outside of live animals, and highlights the important ethical considerations that must be discussed before any potential complete resuscitation of neurological activity is achieved. Continue reading Pigs & Immortality: A Step Towards Reversing Death