Home Decor and the Hippocampus: How environmental enrichment can enhance brain function  

by Ariel Hairstonfigures by MacKenzie Mauger Our lives are stuffed with opportunities for excitement and stimulation. You might wake up in the morning and find yourself staring at your modest collection of succulents, or that small oil painting you bought at a flea market. The first moments of your day might be spent taking a walk around the block, the smell of tree bark hanging … Continue reading Home Decor and the Hippocampus: How environmental enrichment can enhance brain function  

Stop Multitasking on Your Phone: Media Multitasking May Lead to Attention Lapses and Poor Memory

Why is it that some people seem to have better memories than others? A team of scientist from Stanford reported that frequent attention lapses may be a cause, and people who are heavy media multitaskers are more likely to suffer from this. Continue reading Stop Multitasking on Your Phone: Media Multitasking May Lead to Attention Lapses and Poor Memory

Need to jog your memory? A zap to the brain could help

As you read this article, you may not be consciously trying to memorize each sentence, but the words do need to stick around temporarily. After all, you have to remember what you just read to understand the full article. This is your working memory, sometimes called “short-term memory,” and it allows us to remember things just long enough to complete a task. Its decline is … Continue reading Need to jog your memory? A zap to the brain could help