Science by the Pint presents: “Blood, drugs, and bugs!”

Come meet Professor Flaminia Catteruccia, and her lab, from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, and find out about their research on malaria, and the mosquitoes that transmit the pathogen that causes it!  Join us at The Seahag, 49 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA 02138 on Tuesday, April 30th, between 6:30 and 8:00 PM. Drinks and snacks will be provided, and we … Continue reading Science by the Pint presents: “Blood, drugs, and bugs!”

Something in the Sewage: What watching our wastewater can tell us about infectious diseases

by Ya’el Courtneyfigures by MacKenzie Maugeredited by  Yuli Lily Hsieh January 2023 marked the third anniversary of the discovery of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic that halted life as we knew it. It overwhelmed hospitals worldwide, and is still infecting around 250,000 people daily across the globe in February 2023. Over these three years, many countries have struggled to monitor the rapidly … Continue reading Something in the Sewage: What watching our wastewater can tell us about infectious diseases

The “Covidization” of Science: Short-Term Necessity or Problematic Over-Reaction?

by Christopher Rotafigures by Daniel Utter The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of American society, including the lives of scientists. The past year has seen many researchers dramatically shift the focus of their work, as experts from across different disciplines came together to study this novel disease and develop potential therapies. The National Institutes of Health, the United States’ foremost public biomedical research agency, … Continue reading The “Covidization” of Science: Short-Term Necessity or Problematic Over-Reaction?

Computational models show why staying home really is the best idea

COVID-19 has now forced most of us into our homes for weeks. A recent study highlighted the importance of staying at home in these crucial times, even if you’re feeling well: people with mild, limited or even no symptoms at all were estimated to have caused the majority of severe COVID-19 infections and the wide geographic spread of COVID-19. Continue reading Computational models show why staying home really is the best idea

Is diabetes communicable?

CIFAR Fellows’s paper questions whether diabetes, heart attacks and strokes are actually non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Microbiota (bacteria, viruses, fungi) that spread flu, HIV/AIDS, may also carry NCDs. People with NCDs have damaged microbiota, causing disease when transmitted into healthy animals. Spouses and cohabitants’ shared lifestyles and environments also lead to gut bacteria transfer.
Continue reading Is diabetes communicable?