Good as Gold: Can Golden Rice and Other Biofortified Crops Prevent Malnutrition?

by Mary E. Gearing figures by Kristen Seim Summary: In addition to providing energy in the form of calories, our food also supplies us with essential vitamins and other nutrients to keep us healthy. Vitamin, or “micronutrient”, malnutrition is a substantial contributor to disease. To increase micronutrient consumption, many countries fortify their food with these vitamins. Another strategy to improve vitamin intake and prevent disease, … Continue reading Good as Gold: Can Golden Rice and Other Biofortified Crops Prevent Malnutrition?

Challenging Evolution: How GMOs Can Influence Genetic Diversity

by Heather Landry Summary: The vast diversity in gene sequences are what create the large variety of plants and animals we see today. Genetic diversity is crucial for adapting to new environments, as more variation in genes leads to more individuals of a population having favorable traits to withstand harsh conditions. Low genetic diversity, on the other hand, can be very problematic during changing environments, … Continue reading Challenging Evolution: How GMOs Can Influence Genetic Diversity

Epigenetics in Plant Breeding: Hard Science, Soft Tool

by Pierre Baduel figures by Kaitlyn Choi Summary: The legality of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) remains a controversial issue around the world, especially in Europe. Recent discoveries in the field of epigenetics, or heritable information not encoded in the DNA, have revealed promising alternatives to genetic engineering. As reported in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) this year, a team of British researchers … Continue reading Epigenetics in Plant Breeding: Hard Science, Soft Tool

GMOs in My Lifetime: How Genetically Modified Crops Have Transformed Rural America

by Adam Riesselman Summary: The advent of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has rippled through the fields and homesteads of the United States, changing the way farmers conduct their operation. Fueling both the industrialization of agriculture as well as an organic food response, GMOs have pushed the culture of farming in new directions. — An Iowa sunset on the family farm. I’m one of the kids … Continue reading GMOs in My Lifetime: How Genetically Modified Crops Have Transformed Rural America

Can Cataracts Be Cured With a Simple Eye Drop?

An article titled “Eye Drops Could Dissolve Cataracts” described new research findings that eye drops containing a biomolecule, called lanosterol, could be a new treatment for cataracts. Cataracts create cloudy vision due to clumps of proteins that form on the lens inside of the eye. The article reported that the eye drops not only dissolved the clumps in lens cells in the lab, but that … Continue reading Can Cataracts Be Cured With a Simple Eye Drop?

How does a single-celled organism evolve an eye?

Take a moment to consider the complexity of the human eye. Now, envision a single-celled organism that also contains this extremely complex and sophisticated organ. Far from imaginary, the warnowiid fits this exact description. Warnowiids are dinoflagellates, a type of single-celled organism known for their diversity and complexity. In a recent study, scientists utilized microscopy and several types of DNA analysis to understand the evolutionary … Continue reading How does a single-celled organism evolve an eye?

What’s the skinny on the dangers of skinny jeans?

 Skinny jeans have been blamed for many things, from the downfall of American men to #Bendgate, but hardly ever for medical issues. A recently published case study, however, attempts to slap a health warning on the use of skinny jeans. With a title worthy of a Daily Mail article – “Fashion victim: rhabdomyolysis and bilateral peroneal and tibial neuropathies as a result of squatting in … Continue reading What’s the skinny on the dangers of skinny jeans?

The “skinny” on Celastrol, a potential future anti-obesity drug

by Mary E. Gearing  figures by Shannon McArdel 35% of the adult population is obese, a condition which puts one at a high risk for many diseases, namely heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Unfortunately, the treatments available for obesity are limited. Lifestyle modifications, including a healthy diet and exercise, can help reduce weight, but many individuals have trouble adhering to these changes over … Continue reading The “skinny” on Celastrol, a potential future anti-obesity drug

Hold the Phone: Technology’s Role in Combating Infectious Disease

by Katherine Wu figures by Kristen Seim We live in an increasingly wired world: with apps for every purpose imaginable, it has become easier and easier to share information and build global communities. In the wake of the recent Ebola pandemic, we have harnessed this technology to combat infectious disease, employing technological tools for diagnosis (as in the case of the parasitic disease loiasis) and … Continue reading Hold the Phone: Technology’s Role in Combating Infectious Disease

From the kitchen to the lab: how sushi dinners may lead to new pain therapies

by Vivian Chou figures by Anna Maurer What do sushi and pain therapy have in common? The answer lies in a tiny protein in our bodies called TRPA1, nicknamed the “wasabi receptor.” For over a decade, scientists have been fascinated by the TRPA1 receptor, which allows us to taste the stinging, burning flavors of the popular Japanese condiment wasabi. This last April 2015, TRPA1 shot … Continue reading From the kitchen to the lab: how sushi dinners may lead to new pain therapies