The closest ancestors of modern-day humans (Homo sapiens) and other subspecies of the genus Homo are thought to have originated in Eastern Africa around 2.85 million years ago. Archaeologists interested in the link between the earliest members of the genus Homo and modern humans often study the migration patterns of Homo sapiens and their closest relatives to refine our evolutionary tree. The earliest record of modern-day humans dates to around 250,000 years ago, but, until recently, the earliest Homo sapiens fossil found outside of Africa was only about 120,000 years old. A recent discovery of a partially intact Homo sapiens jaw bone in Israel, however, has been dated between 177,000 and 194,000 years old.

Israel Hershkovitz of Tel Aviv University led the expedition responsible for unearthing the well-preserved jaw fragment. The fossil suggests that modern-day humans were exploring regions outside of Africa more than 55,000 years earlier than previously thought. This finding adds further complications to the accepted understanding of Homo sapiens dispersal, which primarily consists of two waves of out-of- Africa migration at 100,000 and 70,000 years ago. Genetic testing indicates that modern-day humans are likely direct descendants of the second wave of Homo sapiens out-of- Africa migration.

While there may be no genetic link between today’s humans and the newly discovered fossil at the moment, this finding is critical to scientific understanding of the behavior of the earliest Homo sapiens. Scientists hope to resolve the motivation behind the earliest and seemingly sporadic episodes of out-of-Africa exploration, which are inconsistent with the two primary waves of Homo sapiens migration.

Managing Correspondent: Zachary Eriksen

Image Credit: NPR

Original Article: Science

Related SiTN Article: When did the Americas encounter the first humans?

110 thoughts on “Oldest human fossil found outside of Africa throws popular theory into doubt

  1. Thank you for putting this out there. I agree with your opinion and I hope more people would come to agree with this as well.

  2. Evolution is a theory or idea based on observation not fact.
    People believe in things that are simple to understand .
    If it’s not simple and cannot be written down clearly like an instruction , then it might be fake.
    Also true facts have numbers attached to them like days and seasons.
    Example of a theory that could be a fact.
    God likes round things and there are 7 days in a week.
    Is that true?


  3. This field is so contaminated by political correctness, anyone who takes any of these theories seriously is extremely naive.

    1. Wow! Reading all these comments was entertaining. And the discourse ended with nothing. Words with little meaning. Because in the end, we know nothing about human origin. Or the Cosmos. In a hundred years, these writings will be scoffed at for being ignorant. Yet, the arrogance of our limited brain power shines bright.

  4. The accepted theory about the evolution and migration of different human races of different colors and migration is wrong.
    Originally evolving humans were brown in color and there is one major factor not considered by scientists.

    At one time there might have been less than two million humans in existence and adapting to survivable conditions was the main factor in their limited numbers. Africa has a huge number of carnivorous animals perhaps in sheer numbers almost equal to that of humans a 1000 years ago.

    May I use the lion population as presenting all carnivorous animals dangerous to humans. Today there are around 70,000 lions alone and that is only a small percentage of these animals which would kill and eat humans. Less than 100 years ago there were 140,000 lions. Before Europeans arrived with guns their population would have been huge and as proof
    that is when the English were building the eastern railway in Africa, 2 lions killed 160 negros over a 2 year period.

    Over the evolutionary timescale, light-skinned people were culled by lions, they were easier for Lions to see and particularly at night.
    I have a more detailed copy of my study, even a map showing a huge area occupied by Lions long ago. Even people in the far Northern European countries evolved to be of a fair color because darker people were easier animal victims against the snow.

  5. I will always be skeptical when democrats/Marxists or the main stream media invoke science to further their own warped political agendas. Unfortunately this is what our world has become. It has become harder to distinguish between science fact and politically motivated science fiction due to the increased level of Marxist influence in the United States.

    Medical doctors in essence are scientists. Many people who see a doctor will want to get a second opinion, that’s because all doctors aren’t created equal. Some doctors will prescribe surgery, while others will treat or cure the disease with non-invasive methods. So is the same with all scientists, archeologists, theoretical physicists, etc. Even Einstein had his flaws, but don’t ever bet against him. I knew they were going to eventually find gravitational waves, but I wasn’t expecting it in my lifetime.

    So the point I’m trying to make is basically do not believe everything a scientist says, they might not even be scientists. In today’s world there’s a good probability that many are political hacks. So become educated and do your own research, and always consider the source.

    1. I think it’s quite easy to distinguish between fact and fiction these days. Common belief of our origins are generally the easiest easy to refute, and Questioning will earn you a nasty title of “conspiracy theorist” or a “racist” in many cases.. the truth holds no fear of being questioned.

  6. One of the ways to test the probability of veracity of a new theory is to look at the context in which the new theory emerged
    E.g. The Outofafrica theory grew on a terrain of left political intellectualism dedicated to the deconstruction of culture as an enemi of EGALITÉ. If aryans and africans has the same source we are all,(wait! Negroes ? Whites? Greys ?) EQUALS !

  7. I’ve always wanted an answer to this conundrum. If Australia is the oldest continent and the Australian indigenous people are the oldest race on earth – how come their ancestors came from Africa? And not the other way around?
    The large unexplored areas of Australia could hold many secrets and/or the dryness of the land over millennia destroyed any human remains. Just because no-one has found any, because they haven’t looked, doesn’t mean there aren’t any.

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