The closest ancestors of modern-day humans (Homo sapiens) and other subspecies of the genus Homo are thought to have originated in Eastern Africa around 2.85 million years ago. Archaeologists interested in the link between the earliest members of the genus Homo and modern humans often study the migration patterns of Homo sapiens and their closest relatives to refine our evolutionary tree. The earliest record of modern-day humans dates to around 250,000 years ago, but, until recently, the earliest Homo sapiens fossil found outside of Africa was only about 120,000 years old. A recent discovery of a partially intact Homo sapiens jaw bone in Israel, however, has been dated between 177,000 and 194,000 years old.

Israel Hershkovitz of Tel Aviv University led the expedition responsible for unearthing the well-preserved jaw fragment. The fossil suggests that modern-day humans were exploring regions outside of Africa more than 55,000 years earlier than previously thought. This finding adds further complications to the accepted understanding of Homo sapiens dispersal, which primarily consists of two waves of out-of- Africa migration at 100,000 and 70,000 years ago. Genetic testing indicates that modern-day humans are likely direct descendants of the second wave of Homo sapiens out-of- Africa migration.

While there may be no genetic link between today’s humans and the newly discovered fossil at the moment, this finding is critical to scientific understanding of the behavior of the earliest Homo sapiens. Scientists hope to resolve the motivation behind the earliest and seemingly sporadic episodes of out-of-Africa exploration, which are inconsistent with the two primary waves of Homo sapiens migration.

Managing Correspondent: Zachary Eriksen

Image Credit: NPR

Original Article: Science

Related SiTN Article: When did the Americas encounter the first humans?

110 thoughts on “Oldest human fossil found outside of Africa throws popular theory into doubt

  1. I dont believe the data, i feel there needs to have more research out of africa, and more into Asian countries near China, i feel if the climate was different in Africa back in time the modern human can live anywhere, DNA is research on bones that was buried there that does conclude they traveled there from the north and of course ancestors was made there?

  2. Why ignore Homo erectus? Didn’t it leave Africa long before sapiens? No mention? What’s this about discovering “motivation?” Is it not clear that many hominids, if stressed, and likely unstressed too, looked at the hill and wondered what was over there? Young adults wander, chimps, hominids…. I await erectus DNA; then we’ll learn about Homo’s wanders.

  3. There’s Evolutionary science, and then there’s a mesh of sciences that can only be classified as pseudo, like what happens when you mesh archaeology with Origin theories. While evidence of evolution is in the obvious, origin theories are based on nothing. People searching for the origin of man do so knowing that most bones dont exist long enough to make it into the fossil record. They’re consumed by hungry animals and the like. No bone is going to last long with predators and scavengers roaming around. Bones that do become fossils are gems. Given the fact that there are humanoid footprint and bone fossils all over the world, it’s plausible that our ancestors were around even before the last continental split. Locating man’s exact place of origin will be no easier than finding any other species location of origin. And no archaeologist would ever be so bold as to take on the task of finding the birthplace of the feline. Why do scientists claim to know the origins of man? Simple. Ego.

    1. The motivation for scientists to claim knowledge about the origins of man are not simply about man’s ego when you factor in the implications of recognising First Nations Peoples claims to certain land titles, and the subsequent geo-political restructuring and legislation formal recognition would entail. Therefore, the many vested interests of current ruling regimes and sovereign nations are no doubt at play when it comes to the securing of funding and publication of research findings which could appear to scientifically prove First Nations Peoples claim to their currently dispossessed lands.

    2. And that’s where you’re wrong, buddy.

      Any self-respecting scientist will just tell you “we don’t know, but here’s the data we have gathered so far.”

      A theory is never final. It is a set of data in which it is fundamentally possible that it could be wrong.

      “Why do scientists claim to know the origins of man?” They make the claim (of which they know can be changed later) based on what data has been compiled and heavily scrutinized in order to get rid of possible mistakes over and over again.

      A true scientist never makes a “final” claim. Only a claim that is, practically speaking, a concise summary of what’s been uncovered up until the date of which the claim has been given.

      “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.” – Socrates

      The unwise say they know everything, but the wise say they know nothing. You know why?

      It’s because it frees themself of human arrogance. By the time you die, you likely won’t be an experienced master at being an airplane pilot, astronaut, surgeon, diver, hunter, archer, teacher, fisher, rapper, mechanic, and so on and so forth all at the same time, now would you?

      By admitting you know nothing is the point in which you are able to increase the capacity to learn. You acknowledge that you aren’t all-knowing or perfect, but rather that you are imperfect and are willing to learn more about what interests you.

      “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” – Socrates

      If you make a mistake in writing out your math during a test and you truly want to get a 100% score, you can always skip and go back, but in the end you will try to fix that mistake. There’s nothing wrong in making a mistake because we have made mistakes before. It’s when you try to convince yourself that you haven’t made a mistake is where you fail to learn.

      Just because a piece does not fit in one spot of a puzzle does not mean it’s place HAS to be that one spot. Don’t try fitting a bowling ball into a star-shaped hole.

      To pursue knowledge is to know that you might be wrong about something. Growing and learning occurs when you admit that you answered wrong and fix your work.

      An adult does not mock the child for the child’s incompetence at filing taxes.

      1. Beautifully worded manner of saying what we have already stated an restated here again in the comments. A mass majority of society believes science is infallible (🙄religion) it’s not. Or that just because a “scientist” said something or showed paperwork stating a theory an the “proof”, that, that in fact means it’s an absolute truth. You like studying things..??? Study epistemology, it might help you wrap your head around the fact that most of the scientific community is just floundering to keep finding, funding to put underneath their feet an has just as much clue as the rest of us, their glorified machine operators 🤷🏽‍♂️ (meaning: a HIGH probability of error) thanks for coming to my tED talks

  4. Though ancient history is indeed fascinating, resources would serve humans better if leveraged toward a better future.

  5. The OAT should have been abandoned a log time ago. Scientists have largely failed to come to grips with the disastrous downstream implications of such gross over-simplifications.

  6. Personally i am certain a select few know our entire human history and are deliberately falsifying that history to fit their dark, evil agenda of worldsupremacy. The library of Alexandria held all that knowledge, was said to be burned leaving nothing but the Septuagint, predecessor of christian bible, but in reality ships took the entire library elsewhere. Possibly it all lies in the catacombs of the Vatican, where no objective scientist has access. Theosophy changed many names of geographical locations. So that we are unable to recognize those as being the same oral history of Maoris, Polynesians etc. tell us about.

  7. Basically, evolutionary theory was always based on assumption. The assumption that we would find the “missing link”. Theories regarding human origins are not scientific theories and should be considered as little more than speculation. The difference between science and pseudoscience is the scientific method which is the only thing that ensures a sciences viability. Too often the hypotheses (at best) taught as theories are supported only by the perceived lack of evidence to the contrary. During the “science” of human origins infancy it developed a hierarchy of academia which prevents actual science and exploration from taking place by dictating their own theories and preventing funding and support the investigation of alternative possibilities. As a result, subordinates are not allowed to accel via their own abilities. This leaves little means for one to take actual pride in their work. Human nature tends to substitute pride and confidence with arrogance.
    The assumption of modern ideals prevents a better understanding of prehistory which also had a history and likely a prehistory in and of its own. Different needs in a different world than the one in which we currently live produced different solutions and results from what are likely cognitive capacities equaling or even surpassing our own.
    You will continue to see the dates of human existence pushed back because of the attitude much of the so-called science possesses. That is the attitude that it doesn’t exist if it were not previously known.

    “Indeed, one cannot triumph without the aid of adversity.” TJB

    1. Personally i am certain a select few know our entire human history and are deliberately falsifying that history to fit their dark, evil agenda of worldsupremacy. The library of Alexandria held all that knowledge, was said to be burned leaving nothing but the Septuagint, predecessor of christian bible, but in reality ships took the entire library elsewhere. Possibly it all lies in the catacombs of the Vatican, where no objective scientist has access. Theosophy changed many names of geographical locations. So that we are unable to recognize those as being the same oral history of Maoris, Polynesians etc. tell us about.

    1. The science about them is fake. Stan Gooch researched them and came to totally different conclusions. Was ignored, had his life and career destroyed. What is called interbreeding was in his findings invasion and rape of a very advanced culture. Science is a hidden agenda by a dark elite orchestrating us to the next genocide, where they intend to gain worldpower. The OOA theory support BLM ideals and the Black Hebrew are the True Israelites intending to murder all white people on earth. claiming they are the original ones and owned the entire world at one time. Oral Maori history portrays them as rapists, slaughtered, that in a brutal war forced peoples living in Persia to flee towards New Zealand. I am interested in what part the sunken lands connecting Madagaskar with Australia played in all this. In the times of Abraham nuclear wars raged in those regions. Now proven by findings of radiation residue in ancient excavations.

      1. how the hell did BLM get involved into this . why are you so focused on BLM instead of science and the facts. talking about they were rapists and stuff , man all races have their fair share of violence, if you are a white person , are you proud of what your ancestors have done to other races ? shut up and speak about science , ohw yeah and by the way i am black and proudly african , until there is another theory that suggests that human evolution did not start in africa than shut up and except that blacks were out here and will forever be out here!!!!!!

        1. A fossil found recently in Greece suggests that we developed in Europe then migrated INTO AFRICA. YOU OWE GERTRUDE AN APOLOGY

          1. That fossil found in Greece provides little evidence to support the “Out of Europe” Theory and to make an impact on the already well established OOA Theory, and is instead most likely a member of the Ouranopithecus, a genus of extinct Eurasian Ape. Extensive research and excavating would have to be done to disprove the OOA Theory.

            “New fossils suggest human ancestors evolved in Europe, not Africa”

          2. No it doesn’t. At most, it suggests that a very early proto-great-ape evolved in Europe, and doesn’t in any way contradict the current theory, supported by all available evidence, that homo sapiens sapiens (that is, humans) developed in Africa. You owe Anonymous an apology.

        2. Every race on the planet has enslaved others. Blacks assisted British slave traders to round up less desirable blacks; Muslim soldiers enslaved whites during the Crusades, Poll Pot enslaved millions of his own people, Stalin systematically starvedulluons in the Ukraine, etcc etc. It’s not always about race v

      2. “In the times of Abraham nuclear wars raged in those regions.”

        Gertrude, this is kooky stuff. There were no nuclear wars in the time of Abraham.

        1. Actually there are archeological sites in, iirc, India and Turkey where the ground has been vitrified (turned to glass) from exposure to extremely high temperatures. This does occur naturally, such as when lightning bolt strikes sand – but wouldn’t produce the high levels of radiation that are found at these sites. Meteorite impacts could potentially contain radioactive elements, and would certain have the required heat for the process. However, the geology doesn’t show any indication of an impact event.
          These sites remain an enigma. Even though the suggestion of a nuclear war being waged 8-10K years ago clear doesn’t conform to the technological capabilities outlined in our established model of human history, the formation of this glass is consistent with what is found at nuclear test sites. The question is whether we are to trust our understanding of the physical evidence in the present or our notions of the what occured in the distant past.

      3. Hanging out with Nation of Islam? Are you aware of the NOI’s theory of how the White man came to be? A black scientist created us. Spliced us together. But we were a pain so somehow the Sub Saharan Africans loaded up all the White people and sailed us to the Caucasus Mountains, even tho they’ve never built a seaworthy vessel, and stuffed all of us in a cave. We managed to escape. The scientists set things up so that White folks like me were only supposed to exist for 6000 years. Then self destruct. Or some such nonsense. Elijah Muhammad, the child molestor? He’s going to come back very soon in some giant space ship and pick up all the Black Muslims in America who haven’t really read the Quran. If they had? They wouldn’t be Muslims. They seem completely ignorant to the fact that the Arab Muslim has been enslaving them since the 7th century. Same time the book came out. They used the women as sex slaves basically. The men? They castrated, killed, or put in their Army. Almost 21 million people. But there’s no real trace of them in the Middle East. Little pockets here and there. Like Basra, Iraq. They had thousands of the Zang in their salt mines in the 7th century. So many that they rose up and won for a little while. Some of their ancestors still live in Iraq today but they’re called slaves right to their face. The word is Abd. Mauritania. Yemen. Saudi Arabia. Darfur. Sudan. SLAVERY is alive and kicking.
        While I”m on a roll? Let me say this: No White, Christian, American men went to Africa and stole/kidnapped a bunch of Africans to enslave them. OK? It was the African people that captured these pitiful creatures. Kept them in slave pens, dungeons in the castles that White folks built, or a crude hole dug in the ground. In fact, they delivered the slaves, six at a time, to the ship anchored off shore. Drive thru service. It’s true. How did those African Kingdoms become wealthy? The slave trade. IF those African Kings and chiefs had said NO? None of that would’ve ever happened.
        Once upon a time we were all slaves. All colors of people. Not to mention the 2 million white slaves the Ottomans took. What’s really important that I share? Is that the Arab Muslim is responsible for making slavery an African thing. Do your research and read what the ‘great minds’ were writing about the Black Africans. It’s not good. In fact, it’s downright slanderous and very cruel. But… it is true. No one wants to talk about the Tran Saharan slave trade. I know why, Black America thinks the Muslims ended the slave trade. A joke. They still haven’t ended it.
        Every ethnic group, race, have been enslaved at one point or another – except the MUSLIM. The black Africans who converted from Voodoo to Islam? Didn’t have much choice. Even tho they converted? They were still enslaved. There was an agenda between the Catholic Church and the Muslims. Deny any culpability re: the slave trade and blame it all on the WHITE, Christian, American men. TRUE.
        BLM? A sham. To get money out of your wallet. They’ve bought several mansions. How lovely.

        1. There was too much bigoted nonsense in your comment to refute all at once. First, I’m RH negative and African American, it happens. Second, the swastika is considered a symbol of hate because Hitler used it, hardly controversial. Third, analyzing the IQ of people who lack food and water, let alone proper education is the most ridiculous thing one could do. The amount of environmental factors that can influence brain health and cognitive development ensures that their true intellectual capacity isn’t being measured. My IQ is 146, higher than all but maybe 2 or 3% of the population, and again, I’m black. There are also many white people with below average IQs, this is because your race *does not* determine your intelligence. Dr. Watson’s work was discredited because it was flawed and riddled with bias, plain and simple. And last, whatever research led you to make all those assumptions about African ingenuity and inventions was clearly biased, as ancient Africans accomplished far more than you gave them credit for. Your entire comment was nothing but a rant filled with claims that you *want* to believe, not with claims that are supported by actual peer reviewed evidence. Do better.

  8. Wow, they found a partially intact jawbone! Amazing, not! First, he dating methods are fatally flawed. Because they do NOT know how much of the radioactive isotope the jawbone originally had. Yes, we know know the half life, but we make unwarranted assumptions on the original isotope to decay products in the item.

    Second, the entire evolutionary ‘science’ is rife with fraud, misinterpretation, and very questionable methods. Why should we believe anything these modern day quacks and frauds say? They are always changing their theories, which is about the only thing that doesn’t change.

    Fraud you say? Why yes. Just research the fraud Haeckels and his embryo drawings which are false, and he was convicted of academic fraud my manif acquiring evidence.

    How about Piltdown man, which made monkeys of British evolution scientisystem.
    How about Nebraska man, who was magically discovered using a pigs tooth?
    Java man? How about Neanderthal? Which is a case of severe rickets.

    No, evolutionary science is a fraud, even if many well meaning scientists and people buy into the lie.

      1. Your heathen religion is a laughing stock. Your high priest paleontologists require a leap of faith larger than any of the metaphysical arguments of theology.

        This is why you respond with logical fallacies, because your whole belief system is a fallacy.


          1. You made the argument for science as a religion..

            Science is none of those things. Science is merely a toolset for objectivity.

      2. JP – I salute you! Your comment really made me chuckle, thank you! (Not going to lie I’ve already copied it and added it to my list of ‘Perfect Replies and Intellectual Insults!’ (I’ll credit you when used) haha

    1. I absolutely agree with you, George S. Evolutionists and paleoanthropologists have to keep hopping around formulating new structures to prop up their rickety dogma in the face of new findings.
      It’s time they shut up, packed up and left, to make way for people who are not brainwashed by their garbage.

      1. ……You do understand how scientific method works? Theory ALWAYS CHANGES. Thats exactly what it’s intended to do: adapt and revise. A theory is not fact. Theories are by definition intended to be replaced and revised by better or more complete theories.
        That fact in no way negates the legitimacy of a theory.

          1. Actually, yes. The science is never settled. Even the most basic of facts, like the molecular building blocks, are technically not a 100% chance true.

            That being said, there’s so much evidence supporting it that there is no actual way to disprove it YET, so it becomes public knowledge. If new research pops up in any field contradicting an established theory, the scientific community examines it, checks it’s legitimacy, and if legitimate, corrects it theories and researches new hypothesis until a new theory is able to stand with the research.

            A lot of things go through that process, that maybe just a generation or two were taught at school.
            For example, in 1964 Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig “discovered” that Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons aren’t the fundamental building blocks of the universe, but that they are in themselves built from further fundamental objects, named quarks.

            I would wish to invoke Pluto, but I do not consider a change in definition such a ground breaking discovery.

            So anyway the process is mostly legit, and the only ones that the public had to question are theories which stand to benefit a certain someone, like the infamous food pyramid. But a study so innocent, about where humans came through, needs only to be checked for sloppiness and the authors trolling the community (unfortunately it seems it’s quite easy to do both of these things nowadays anyway…).

            Anyway, my point is, that the scientific method and the fluidity of a theory are not bugs, they are features.

          2. The fundamental building block is that in the field of science, one must fully expect to find new information.

            Sometimes you find new information, sometimes new information find you.

            “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” – Socrates

            Think about the events you have experienced up until now. What have you learned since being a child? What new things have you learned since then? When did you learn how to file your taxes or even how to save money?

            The life of a scientist is one of researching. In researching, you will inevitably experience many different things.

            Theories are called theories because it’s the most up-to-date setup of data that has been repeated numerous times (it’s not doing something 10 times and calling it a day) by numerous different people in different locations and different lab settings, in which the result has been the same in an overwhelming amount so as to rule out mistakes that may have happened.

            Saying “the science is settled” is like saying “I won’t go blind if I look at the sun for 12 hours.”

            “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.” – Socrates

            Ironically, early philosophers are perhaps among what could be considered early scientists, as they did not just settle on one result and call it a say. For Socrates, it was to keep asking questions until an end result could be reached (if at all).

            It’s the same with modern science. You keep answering questions, but more questions pop up. So what do you do? You keep answering questions. So what if some evidence happens to contradict what’s been answered so far?

            Simple. You fix it.

            If you did your math wrong on a test, you should fix your math in order to get the right answer and not leave it alone if you want to get 100%.

            The ignorant criticize science because they are more satisfied in not having to question anything. The intelligent questions everything and makes an effort to understanding how to solve that question.

            In the common tongue, when you say “I have a theory”, you likely mean to say “I have an educated guess”. Now the guess does not have to be right, but you made that guess based on information you know.

            Science works in that it acknowledges that humans are not all-knowing. Thus, scientists must acknowledge that they are not all-knowing and that the universe has so many different questions that you simply pick a direction to go in and head that way.

            The ignorant are satisfied in staying still and afraid of change. The scientist openly welcomes change, as it aids in fixing the gaps of their knowledge. Because in staying still, you learn nothing. You gain nothing from it.

            Thus, do not be afraid of change. Expect the unexpected, for even surprises can be a welcoming surprise.

          3. That’s correct, the scientific method is rife with NEW discoveries, where scientists must alter their opinions. Einstein for example was a devout pacifist, until the 2nd world war went by in his lifetime, and he acknowledged that if EVERYBODY was a pacifist, Hitler would have ruled the world.

            Likewise Gravity is a theory, there are wild equations with non-euclidian geometry, that describes gravity as a bending of space-time (again Einstein). In Chemistry and other sciences, the mechanisms often change, and we really only know the most recent ideas, and sometimes ideas are revised and our understanding shifts (like with COVID, things change because there are new understandings).

            Science is a field of discovery. Slow. Because often new scientists think “that’s how it is,” and can hinder progress. In Einstein’s day the idea that light is both a wave and a particle was so foreign that Einstein didn’t fully believe it himself by many accounts. New minds pave a way for new ideas. The challenge of science is that there’s already an academic community who thinks the world is a certain way. Sometimes the past dies, and opens doors to new discovery.

          4. The real problem lies in the representation that science and media often presents itself: as the ultimate, unchallengeable, emperor of the modern world and all truth; and that science knows best and everyone else should shut up. Of course, this image is just an image but impossible to unsee.

        1. You state “a theory is not a fact ” . You then finish with ” that fact in no way negates the legitimacy of a theory. You can’t have it both ways. If a theory not a fact then it is devoid of legitimacy.

          1. No one ever says a scientific theory is a fact. But a scientific theory is BASED ON facts, better to say “observations”. Anything that contradictions our observations can easily be falsified. A scientific theory is not only based on facts, but probability. Given our observation, how likely is our proposed probability being false. Of course, you can then argue that statistics theory can also be illegitimate. Everything ultimately depends upon human believes. But there are “educated” beliefs and WILD and ignorant guesses. Would you rather believe in some uneducated people’s blank statement that is “illogical” and that is against our observations, or a statement stated in a scientific theory?

        2. Exactly. REAL scientific investigators do not mind it when new pertinent information is found and ADDS to the evidence pool. It’s OK to learn more stuff!!!

        3. It would be nice if the scientific establishment practiced what they preach, but they don’t. They’re fallible humans, emotionally stubborn and territorial.

        1. You sound like an Atheist. “Too proud to be human, but superior to life” You obviously missed out on Biochemistry, Paleontology, Archeology Ancient History, Geoscience, GeoChemistry, and strata. Cell Signaling specific would indicate that Evolutionary traits, do occur here and there, BUT, isn’t a standard model, or an indicative indicator. The truth is a Cell BioScience, indicative or Genetic Manipulation in an Organised/planned/orchestrated or programmed system. Thus ANYTHING gets created (not issued – pun) and the Programmer used Biomolecular Code, INCLUSIVE of adaptive patterns and functionality. (Your “evolutionary hypothesis”. Rather thus than, Biochemistry indicates structure pre-humanistic evaluation, and as such adaptive systems, patterns, and behaviors are built into genetic code. That’s a sign of Creationism at its most fundamental. Not the mainstream idea of Religious philosophy, biased religious patterns, and beliefs, but in line with a Sumerian/ Chaldean /Mesopotamian hypotesis of our origins. (The hypothesis dissapates and it is now a theory, substantiated by the Cuneiforms and scientific data) (Supported by over 73 other origin / creational theories, in the modern world.) In Scientific Theory it would be consistent with In Vitro / Cloning etc. experiments. This can be verified in several ways, ie Historical Documentaries, Modern Medical progress, in line with the above. Only 8 species out of “millions” indicate various adaptations, a commonality? Further this Scientific Fact can be duplicated and is a postulation in modernity. How it’s done on a molecular/gene/cell level? We might never possess that kind of Brain power, and looking at the Universe, never fathom the abilities of the Creator. He might be miniscule – less than a Quark, and replicate/duplicate (Cellbiology) or he might be massive, or… but the geniality shows iin the Mandelbrot Formula. Precision and quality, with a build in adaptation, and life regeniration at a Mandelbrot “dead end”. To be a Creation hater due to the papal and other influences in human psychology, and the way of life, is understandable. To diss a Creator, seems a bit trite.

        2. Creationism is not nonsense. It is nonsensical to think creation is random when we live in a universe of constants such as the laws of logic, physics, mathematics and science.

          Where do these immaterial constants come from? How can the universe be random when there are predictable rules to how it functions?

          You atheists are like a cat distracted by a laser pointer while oblivious to the metaphysics around you.

          Your world view has huge contradictions, show some humility.

          1. You say Atheist like it’s a cult.

            What exactly is your issue with scientific facts or data, but having none of your own to back up any of the many changing and plentiful religions this world has seen?

    2. George S. Your comment is arrogant and unscientific. Just because you want something to be a certain way, does not make it so. Question everything. Especially that which does not allow questions. Empirical evidence, thankfully does not rely on consensus.

      1. One thing that intrigues me is how neanderthals interbred. Isnt the definition of a new species a group of creatures that can not produce fertile offspring with the others of their former species? I may be incorrect, but wouldn’t that mean that neanderthals may very well be a race of homosapien that has distinct features and DNA different from others? Modern day races vary in all manners, so why should this be different? Thanks.

        1. This is a very controversial topic but long story short: that definition of “species” is a little bit old and not comprehensive. For example, your species definition cannot be used to describe plants, bacteria, and asexual populations. The current species definition is slightly different and is a mix of biological and phylogenetic species definition. Also, interspecific breeding and fertile offspring are not so rare.

    3. Your comments about Piltdown and Neanderthals …First, are 2 entirely separate issues- Piltdown was a fabricated hoax, not a failure of science,
      and second, what about Neanderthals? They are a distinct separate species, but evolved from a common ancestor with Homo Sapiens and then interbred with us, along with at least 1 other separate species. We know this because of DNA analyses.
      It’s clear to myself and others here that you don’t understand evolutionary theory, or the scientific method in general. our points are all over the place. Some are valid (in a completely different way than you’re using them) and others are plainly molded by ignorance.

      1. Why was Stan Gooch who researched Neanderthalers ignored? Had his career and life destroyed? Now interbreeding an euphemistic term for invasion and rape and possibly genocide. We are said to originate from the SAN in Africa. But once the entire western hemisphere was called Afrika. Our human history of the past 2000 years is false or a total fraud. According to historians. Now with BLM this Out of Africa myth seems to fit an evil agenda of a dark elite in our human world. Already it was scientifically concluded that Australian Aboriginals did not descend from Africans. And how about the australian aboriginal tribes that were genocided by invading colonists? The Maori have a strong oral history of coming from elsewhere. And how do the sunken lands connecting Madagaskar with Australia fit in all this. And a new theory how Black people originated from Lapland. That one fits the theory in the ancient Vedas that the people in India descended from the North. Was that possibly from what we call Hyperborea but in oral histories of indigenous peoples goes by different names? And how about an american female researcher who found deposits proving people in America were far more ancient than science currently believed and was like Stan Gooch totally ignored and vilified by the ruling mainstream scientist. Science has a hidden agenda steering humanity into devastating ways so a certain group will gain worldpower and most likely with their Eugenism ideals genocide most of the rest of us calling it necessary Worldpopulationreduction.

        1. I realize this was over a year ago now, but please take some sort of writing or English class and learn how to form proper sentences and arguments. This is not to invalidate anything you’ve said, as I haven’t researched much about what you’ve mentioned, and therefore can’t verify how much of it is true or false, but it’s extremely difficult to figure out what you’re trying to say, because your words and sentences are all jumbled. You barely make a fraction of a point before hopping onto some other note, and come back to a previous thought to make a half-statement before hopping off again.

          Right or wrong, if you don’t sound competent, no one will even look twice at what you have to say. So please, if you want to try and persuade people to your point of view, learn how to write a bit more coherently. Learn how to educate people on what you know rather than just rambling clumsily. Clear communication is key to discussion and understanding.

          1. Concerned User,

            Please join with in the writing courses you are suggesting… Smashing sentences together with commas… Uggh.

            Learn how to educate yourself before challenging others to do the same.

          2. Emma, a young 20 something, responding to Concerned User:
            Hey guys! I have been doing research myself, as an outside perspective on the “elites” and their Agendas. I constantly question everything I come across and research where the ideas came from. I form my own opinions. I’ve been deeply following these many theories for about 1.5 years! It’s what I like to do in my spare time. I enjoy reading about philosophy, and I admire that in science you must question everything! With everything I have learned (if you don’t mind my opinion, and many English typing errors) I have concluded that many people and scientists have massive egos! And this creates a huge problem. As you still completely invalidated what he had to say, because of grammar of all things lmao. He is completely right to ask these questions, and they don’t really have answers… There isn’t just one template on communication. I’m sorry you didn’t comprehend what he said, but I did. Also, he asked you a lot of questions as well, and you only decided to insult, and steer away from them. Why? If you’re able to correct others on here, would you mind looking into what he says as well? Instead of insulting his grammar. A scientist would still look into it, I think your ego took over, mister. Another thing! When I was in high school 🤪🤪 I learned lots of riddles and word jumbles, our homework was to figure them out and read between the lines! We figured out puzzles and learned how to fix grammar, all of that! You might have missed the understanding component on how to communicate with people who aren’t great with English! Idk.

    4. Yes, because some were “frauds” must mean they all are “frauds” today. What intelligent logic you have Lol.

      1. Surely your smarter than that Mike, we have a phrase where I come from “where you see one spider, there are always 3 more you can’t see” have a good 2021, an open your eyes all the way, being half way awake is the same as still sleeping in this instance. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Adios

    5. Hahahaha… Evolution is by far the most confirmed Scientific Theory in history.

      If you claim otherwise, feel free to write up your evidence, submit for peer review, and collect your multiple Nobel Prizes…

      …I’ll wait.

      1. Gravity is more confirmed than evolution.
        Evolution as proposed by Darwin has been significantly challenged by irreducible complexity arguments. Darwin believed that accidental mutation alone was sufficient for life to advance in staggeringly complex ways and that acquired traits are passed on. His theory has been modified many times. It’s definitely not “proven” in the same way as the “oxygen theory of combustion” or the “2nd law of thermodynamics.” It can’t be. You can’t reproduce it in a lab. An much of the evidence can be interpreted through more than one lens.
        I’m guessing you don’t have a degree in science. Personally, I don’t think you laughter, belittling tone, and hyperbole strengthen your argument. The onus is on you. Why don’t you prove that the theory of evolution is more confirmed than the theory of gravity, and oxygen, and entropy, and relativity.

    6. Let’s not forget the Peppered moth fraud and the March of Progress fraud. The entire foundation of evolutionism is based on fraud.

    7. I’ve struggled for years with the OOA theory. Darwin and the monkey. No. I remember a book called the missing link. dI’m comfortable with INTO Africa. We’re all hybrids. Cro Magnon showed up 33k years ago – from where? Same place as the Basque, Berbers, & Guanche? Atlantis? Maybe. It seems many ‘myths’ that were told are now proving to be true. Not surprising to me anymore. The Piltdown man? 40 years it sat in the museum. Lying. Now we have a Ghost Species. Super archaic and not yet identified in the fossil records. Compromising of up to 19% of sub Saharan African DNA. NOT found in the DNA of Caucasians and Asians. The Rh neg blood factor is highest in the Basque, Berbers, and Guanches. Cro Magnon also was Rh Neg. What’s that? If mama get pg with Rh +? Her body will try to kill the fetus. So…. Most sub Saharan Africans are Rh pos. I don’t think that was by chance. I don’t think they were ever supposed to cross the Sahara. If the Arab Slave trade had never begun? Well, take it where you like.
      I’m so disgusted by the lies I was fed going through school. At the age of 54, all the unanswered questions are being answered. Not from the people that should’ve taught me in the first place. Am I really supposed to believe Sub Saharan Africans, who never invented the wheel or domesticated any animals, hiked through the Sahara and made their way to Sweden – and at the same time, their hair turned blonde and the texture changed? the facial structure? The skin color? No. It’s an agenda. If these sell outs tell the truth? They get no grant money or anything else. And they just take it.
      You have to ask yourself why the swastika was turned into a symbol of hate when the symbol has been around forever and it means positive things – not negative or evil. The media has turned it into something it never was. Same with the Confederate flag. It seems the ancient Egyptians had blonde and red hair with blue eyes. It also seems that the Europeans were here before any American Indians too. The laurel leaf spear point that was found off the VA coast in 1971 was made from French material and it dates back to 16k years. There were Europeans here before those corridors opened up between Siberia and Alaska. Clovis First, my foot. It’s really disgusting. I personally have had quite enough with the ALL for me but none for thee bull crap. Elites? Wrong again. They only exist because we’ve allowed them too. Gotten lazy. Don’t want to rock the boat. Well, I do. Hell, these people can’t tell us WHO built the pyramids. They sure can’t duplicate them using the old ball and chisel or modern machines. They’re lying about the cocaine mummies. We KNOW the Europeans were here long ago, mining copper in Michigan. 6000 years ago. But no one talks about it. Hell, they even lied about how America got her name. They’re hiding the spirit cave mummy… No DNA – it would be disrespectful to the old mummy. The Florida Bog people. 9000 years old. Caucasian. These ‘scientist’/’archeologists’ are LYIING about who they are/were. Refer to them as the archaic sea people. I always marveled at the drawings of the Powhatan Indians because to me, they looked Caucasian. Their features and height. I mean really! I’m not a Harvard educated sissy – I don’t give a damn what people think and I’m not dependent on some group of losers, pretending to be part of some secret society – paying my bills. They’re hiding so much from us. Who gives them the right to do this?
      I still can’t stop thinking about Dr Watson. He made a remark about the sub Saharan Africans intelligence not being as advanced as they’d once thought – and he was stripped of all awards and achievements and run off like a pervert peeking thru someones window. He discovered the double helix. But now, he’s a racist for telling the truth.
      I don’t put much stock into anything these people write. They talk a lot of mumbo jumbo instead of just telling people what they found. All of what they found. You read some of these articles and you don’t know anything more than what you thought you already knew. Do you know that the “Egyptologists have no idea how the Egyptians made their vases? They only studied what was in them. Not how they were made. Can you believe that? I don’t believe they built them. I believe they were already there. The carving and painting? I believe that’s what they did. But built them? Did they get together with the Incan people before they started? What I saw in America and what I saw in Egypt, looked very similar. And they were using the golden number. Don’t talk about that either. They lie about the Civil War. All the arguments can be summed up easily: The South took off with their tobacco/cotten CASH cow, and Lincoln started an illegal war to get that cow back. Period. Simple.
      We’re all hybrids. And the Caucasians went INTO Africa. Not the other way around. Homo Erectus WAS NOT MODERN. Cro Magnon? WAS. Very small brain. Hunter gatherers with no agriculture. No writing. No metals. No wheel. No horse. No domesticated animals. No buildings over one level. But they built America?

      1. There was too much racist nonsense in your comment to refute all at once. First, I’m RH negative and African American, it happens. Second, the swastika is considered a symbol of hate because Hitler used it, hardly controversial. Third, analyzing the IQ of people who lack food and water, let alone proper education is the most ridiculous thing one could do. The amount of environmental factors that can influence brain health and cognitive development ensures that their true intellectual capacity isn’t being measured. My IQ is 146, higher than all but maybe 2 or 3% of the population, and again, I’m black. There are also many white people with below average IQs, this is because your race *does not* determine your intelligence. Dr. Watson’s work was discredited because it was flawed and riddled with bias, plain and simple. And last, whatever research led you to make all those assumptions about African ingenuity and inventions was clearly biased, as ancient Africans accomplished far more than you gave them credit for. Your entire comment was nothing but a rant filled with claims that you *want* to believe, not with claims that are supported by actual peer reviewed evidence. Do better.

      2. If your beliefs are true and a African never migrated thru the Saharan desert that would make most white people and Asians modern Neanderthals judging by the hair texture which holds majority of human DNA . Hamites are African they settled in Babylon in order to do so they had to migrate thru the desert of northern Africa

    8. The jaw bone could have got there by a bird eating off the decaing body … what I question more than any thing else is if humans have been here as long as we have then why has it only taken the last 150 years to get smart ???….. machines, flight, technology, flying to the moon… come on !! Open your eyes … what’s wrong with that picture???….

    9. I just feel that everyone wants a piece of the cake, rather than wanting accuracy. People listen to some of these findings as if they are learning truths about themselves and the universe, but it’s not the case. There’s morals based on not insulting someone’s finding as to allow a scientific community to flourish l, rather than morals on making claims that actually are truth.

    10. I agree fully the science if you can call it that is based on old assumptions that Africans are less evolved humans we clearly have evidence in the genetics of today showing that Homo sapiens and Homo erectus etc are all the same animals perhaps the mixed subspecies of humans that still exist are all one genetic group perhaps not it looks like a multiregional origin of many mixed subspecies of humans and our measuring skull sizes and arm lengths to say it’s a different species is like saying bantam chickens and large chickens are different species they’re clearly not and ergaster erectus deniaovian etc are not different species either were them they’re us “modern humans” are essentially the same as they were 2 million years ago physical characteristics and mental characteristics have changed but still vary widely in a survival of the fittest situation stronger faster and smarter breed

    11. It sounds like you are desperate to protect the out of Africa theory or whatever other theory you hold in your mind. The dating methods have some well understood flaws. I would not call them “fatal” flaws. They present a certain level of accuracy and confidence.

      second, we know you watched some youtube videos about famous historical frauds. I watch many of them too. The fact that you bring this up and associate it with this discovery shows you have some sort of bias. It’s barely relevant. Are you saying this particular discovery of a human jaw bone a fraud? Then come out and call it a fraud. Are you saying it *could* be a fraud? Ok. Well then explain why you think this particular discovery is a fraud.

    12. In Paleoanthropoly, de have early specimes “scientist men” who practise the fixism and the transformism: they transform monkeys remains in human ancestor perfectelly biped like Tarzan in 1927, if it’s african fossil be sure that they call him early sapiens sapiens sapiens anatomycally modern human jumper and running man in Savannas desert hahaha but… IF IT’S OUR ANCESTOR HUMAN IN WESTERN EUROPE: BE SURE THAT THEY CENSURE YOU AND PRACTISE THE NEGACIONISM AND INTIMIDATION WITH YOU. THIS METHODS WAS FUNCIONAL IN THE 60’S HAHAHA BUT TODAY, THE INTERNET AND “LIBRE PENSÉE” DISTURB THEIR MAFIA SYSTEM IN SCIENCE…

    13. For a moment, forget about how evolution is taught because it’s always undergoing change. Rather, focus on the age and location of the fossil and leave the rest to others who know this stuff better than you do. This could be an important finding. Don’t prejudge it so harshly.

    14. “They are always changing their theories, which is about the only thing that doesn’t change.”.
      That’s precisely how progress in science works: theories evolve as new discoveries are made. (Duh.). Trying to turn mistakes such as the Nebraska tooth into conspiracies gins up lame anti-science fervor. The real mistakes lie in flaunting fleeting doubts as evidence of absolute error.

    15. Changing one’s mind in the fact of facts that challenge one’s thinking is the hallmark of intelligence. Not changing one’s mind in the face of facts is the hallmark of delusion and stupidity.

    16. Well written. The Biblical narrative is true. The Truth does not change. It is permanently fixed and everlasting. Evolution is hocus-pocus magic. Evolution is not science.

      1. This article is proof that some lineages of Africans are semitic. And Israel or mid East known as Asia was originally built by Africans or Hamites and semites. If the first wave of homo sapiens came out of Africa and settled in the area the biblical times are also painted in darker complexions as well.

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