Image credit: Wikipedia Commons,

A study published last month suggests that the potential value of cinnamon may go far beyond tickling our taste buds. The research group reports that cinnamon was able to substantially reverse and protect Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms in mice.  Could the next groundbreaking treatment for the world’s most common neurodegenerative disease really be moonlighting as the world’s most popular baking spice? Sadly, the answer is most likely not.

Cinnamaldehyde – the chemical that gives cinnamon its famous flavor and odor – is metabolized to sodium benzoate in the liver. Sodium benzoate can enter the brain and act as an anti-oxidant. At first glance, this seems very promising! Parkinson’s disease occurs when dopamine neurons in the midbrain start to die. Scientists are not positive why the dopamine cells start dying, but a popular hypothesis is that these neurons experience high ‘oxidative stress’, which causes cells to release poisonous molecules that result in cell death. So using an anti-oxidant to reduce oxidative stress makes good sense as a potential therapy for treating Parkinson’s disease.

In fact, it makes so much sense that scientists and doctors have already been trying it for decades – unfortunately, largely to no avail. While several anti-oxidant drugs have proved tantalizingly efficacious at treating Parkinson disease-like symptoms in mice, clinical studies have found no strong evidence that they work to alleviate Parkinson’s disease in humans.

Interestingly, however, people who eat more dietary anti-oxidants (like vitamin E) throughout life may be slightly protected from developing Parkinson’s disease (although this remains an ongoing debate). It might be informative to investigate whether people or societies with especially high cinnamon intake have lower rates of Parkinson’s disease.

While this recent study presents sufficient evidence to entertain further investigation into cinnamon as a potential therapy for Parkinson’s disease, the results do not represent new or innovative insights into what is already known about anti-oxidants, oxidative stress, and Parkinson’s disease. For now (at least where Parkinson’s disease is concerned) cinnamon still belongs in the spice rack, not the medicine cabinet.

Edited by SITN Waves Editor Shay Neufeld. Special thanks to Dean Lee from the Harvard Neuroscience Program for providing expert commentary. 

Read the Nature World News report here

Read the original research paper here

Examples of studies showing anti-oxidants do not benefit Parkinson’s disease patients:
1. MitoQ
2. Coenzyme Q10

Examples of studies showing that dietary anti-oxidants are slightly protective against developing Parkinson’s disease:
1. Dietary Anti-oxidants and Parkinson’s disease
2. Dietary intake of anti-oxidant vitamins and risk of Parkinson’s disease



4 thoughts on “Can cinnamon be used to treat Parkinson’s disease? Probably not.

  1. This is the recipe I read online a couple of years ago. It said it would help Parkinson’s disease and I know it helped my Type II diabetes.
    1/4 tsp of Ceylon Cinnamon (it has less of the bad stuff that regular cinnamon has.) Amazon sells it
    1 Tbls of Raw Unfiltered honey sold in Walmart with name of your city. I’m in Florida so I buy Florida brand which is on the bottle.
    1 cup of hot wate or very warm water to liquefy the honey. Stir occasionally because cinnamon does not dissolve.

    Mix and drink two or three times a week and stick to this recipe. I am down to 5.4 reading for diabetes when I started with over 6 reading. I still eat cookies, etc. but I also drink my tea and honey mix weekly now. I read most of this article and noticed honey was not mentioned. Cinnamon alone does not work. Add the ufiltered honey and see what happens.

  2. I was diagnosed 2 years ago at age 63. Symptoms were tremor in right leg, loss of handwriting ability,My normally beautiful cursive writing was now small cramped printing and soft voice. I also had difficulty rising from a seated position and have balance issues. I started out taking only Azilect, then Mirapex, and then Sinemet. Several months ago I started falling frequently, hence the reason for Sinemet. During the summer of 2021, I was introduced to Health Herbs Clinic and their effective Parkinson’s herbal protocol. This protocol relieved symptoms significantly, even better than the medications I was given. After First month on treatment, my tremors mysterious stopped, had improvement walking. After I completed the treatment, all symptoms were gone. I live a more productive life. I was fortunate to have the loving support of my husband and family. I make it a point to appreciate every day!

  3. Perhaps your assumption of why cinnamon works is flawed. Parkinson’s diseases isn’t the only disease for which cinnamon has been shown (albeit in low quality studies) to be effective, the other being diabetes. Cinnamon’s effects on blood glucose levels closely mimic the GLP1 agonists, which are also showing promise in dementia studies. So what if there is an ingredient in cinnamon that is a GLP1 agonist?

  4. You said:

    “It might be informative to investigate whether people or societies with especially high cinnamon intake have lower rates of Parkinson’s disease”

    I looked at the percentages of the population that die of Parkinson’s Disease in countries that consume large quantities of “Ceylon” cinnamon compared to the United States. Mexico, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and India (all high Ceylon cinnamon users have much lower percentages that the U.S.

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