Volcanoes on Venus
Scientists in Italy discover fresh volcanic lava flowing on Venus for the first time.
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Scientists in Italy discover fresh volcanic lava flowing on Venus for the first time.
Continue reading Volcanoes on Venus
The mystery of an unusually inflated planet has been solved with data from the James Webb Space Telescope. Continue reading Case Closed on a Mysteriously Puffy Exoplanet
Astronomers around the world do a double-take on the most promising potentially habitable planet. Continue reading This habitable zone exoplanet may have liquid water
An international team of scientists discovers two potentially habitable planets orbiting a red dwarf star 137 light-years away. Continue reading Discovery of an Earth-size, potentially habitable planet
Martian rover Perseverance confirms that it’s sitting on an ancient lake bed, an ideal location to look for signs of life. Continue reading Perseverance finds direct evidence of ancient lake bed on Mars
Astrophysicists have discovered a bizarre planet with clouds of sand over 200 light years away. Continue reading Welcome to the planet with clouds made of sand
In 250 million years, the continents will combine to form Pangaea Ultima, dramatically altering Earth’s climate. Continue reading Pangaea 2.0 may drive mammals to extinction
A team of international astronomers have identified the smallest free-floating “rogue” planet observed to date. Continue reading Going Rogue in Space
Since the first exoplanet discovery in the 1990s, scientists have learned of the diverse and abundant nature of exoplanets, having now found more than 3700. With such a large and disparate sample set, ESA (European Space Agency) has set its sights on learning how these planets form and what their chemistry is like. A new telescope, or ‘mission’, ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey), has … Continue reading ARIEL: Exploring strange new worlds and boldly observing what no telescope has observed before.