What is….the human microbiome?
by Abby Knecht Continue reading What is….the human microbiome?
by Abby Knecht Continue reading What is….the human microbiome?
by Wei Lifigures by MacKenzie Mauger Microbial communities, known as microbiomes, are everywhere—on our bodies, in our food, and in the environment—and they are as important as they are prevalent. The gut microbiome interacts with our body and influences our health, the bacteria composition in cheese and other fermented products shapes their taste, and the bacteria in the soil helps plants grow faster. These microbial … Continue reading Cooperation vs. Competition: Microbiome Diversity and Interactions
Researchers show that symbiotic bacteria can evolve in the gut to become harmful, providing clues to how autoimmune diseases develop. Continue reading Gut Microbiome Bacteria Can Evolve to Cause Autoimmune Diseases
by Sophia Swartzfigures by Jasmin Joseph-Chazan If you put all of the living things on Earth in a box–from humans to anteaters to teeny-tiny tardigrades–and then plucked one of these organisms out at random, it is very, very likely that you just found yourself a microbe. Microbes, although too small to be seen with the naked eye, are some of the most common forms of … Continue reading Mapping Individual Microbes among the Multitudes
An international team of researchers sequenced the microbes from dental scrapings of Neanderthals to understand more about their diet. Continue reading Understanding Our Evolution through our Mouth Microbes
Transplantation of symbiotic bacteria to heat-sensitive corals helps protect them against bleaching, but many questions remain. Continue reading Are Beneficial Bacteria the Answer to Coral Bleaching?
by Dawn Chenfigures by Daniel Utter Did you know that the divorce rate in Maine strongly correlates with the per capita consumption of margarine? Wow, maybe abstaining from margarine prevents divorce! I can definitely imagine a pop-media article with this eye-catching title. Before throwing out all margarine to save your marriage, an intelligent reader like you would probably think to yourself: “what absurdity, it’s probably … Continue reading When Correlation Does Not Imply Causation: Why your gut microbes may not (yet) be a silver bullet to all your problems
Researchers at the Pasteur Institute in Paris identified a molecular pathway that links the gut microbiome to mood disorders. Continue reading Bacteria in the Gut can Influence Brain Function and Mood Disorders
What makes all the different cheeses taste so wonderful? All of the different microbes that help make your cheese! Scientists have begun linking specific flavors to specific bacteria – meaning sometime soon we can start making designer cheese flavors. Continue reading How to improve cheese quality and taste? Understand the cheese’s microbial community.
Ketones may be the key ingredient to reaping the anti-inflammatory benefits of extreme low-carb low-sugar diets, like the popular ketogenic diet. Continue reading Ketogenic Diets Alter Gut Microbiome and Potentially Reduce Inflammation