Leveraging Circadian Rhythm for Medical Advancement

by Benyapa Khowpinitchaifigures with Carlos Morales When your medication becomes less effective, the first thought you may have is to increase the dosage. But what if there was a way to increase the efficacy of the drug without needing to increase the amount? What if you could simply change when you took the drug? Indeed, the answer may lie in your biological clock. Biological clock … Continue reading Leveraging Circadian Rhythm for Medical Advancement

A Battle of Time: Biological clocks have a hand in defense against infection

by Ziqi Chen figures by Rebecca Senft Have you ever travelled across time zones? If the answer is yes, you might be familiar with jet lag, a condition that results from an altered internal clock. Jet lag causes symptoms such as disturbed sleep, stomach problems, and mood swings. In recent years, emerging lines of evidence show that jet lag might also affect our immune system, and … Continue reading A Battle of Time: Biological clocks have a hand in defense against infection

Mice, light and exploring ALAN’s potential health hazards

In deciphering the mysteries of human health, mice have been one of our greatest allies. They have demonstrated the antibacterial properties of penicillin and served as a model for exploring obesity. Now they are helping researchers understand the potential negative effects of artificial light at night, or ALAN. Mounting epidemiological data shows an association of ALAN with cancer, obesity, depression and osteoporosis. Previous work has … Continue reading Mice, light and exploring ALAN’s potential health hazards

Progress, but no breakthrough for Circadian Rhythms

From The ability to reset the circadian clock, which controls when animals are awake or asleep, could help people suffering from a variety of sleep and mood disorders. Authors of a new study in Nature Neuroscience claim to have made significant progress towards this goal, with clear applications to human health. Unfortunately, the above popular press article exaggerates the findings of the study. Like all … Continue reading Progress, but no breakthrough for Circadian Rhythms