Buzzing Bee-haviors: Cooperativity in Insects
Researchers continue to dissect the complex cooperative behaviors that allow bees to have successful colonies. Continue reading Buzzing Bee-haviors: Cooperativity in Insects
Researchers continue to dissect the complex cooperative behaviors that allow bees to have successful colonies. Continue reading Buzzing Bee-haviors: Cooperativity in Insects
Researchers find female absence is a sufficient general explanation for the longstanding mystery of why male birds chorus at dawn and dusk. Continue reading Absence makes the songbird sing
Large bumblebees remember flowers with high sugar nectar better, while small bumblebees remember the locations of all flowers equally. Continue reading Large Bumblebees Remember the High Sugar Flowers
A new study comparing Velociraptors and their modern counterparts, Komodo dragons and crocodiles, concludes that raptors were unlikely to be social, pack-hunters, in contradiction to their popularized portrayal in the ‘Jurassic Park’ movies. Continue reading ‘Jurassic Park’ was wrong: Study suggests raptors didn’t hunt in packs
by Drew Drabek figures by Nicholas Lue Foxes are not dogs. As a rule, dogs are docile and foxes are feral. You could say it’s in their DNA. But there are exceptions to every rule. A fox raised in captivity might learn to be gentle. A dog who was abused might lash out. Behavior: it’s complicated. There has been great interest in the selective breeding of … Continue reading Foxy Behavior: how a Russian fox farm uncovered the basis of canine domestication
The next time you’re looking to raise some money, choose your words carefully. A recent study by a collaboration between Harvard Business School and the University of British Columbia has shown that the wealthy are willing to donate more money if they are prompted with agentic appeals for donations – that is, appeals to individual action – rather than communal. Drawing on previous research on … Continue reading With Great Responsibility Comes Great Charity
We can all relate to the dreaded early morning alarm, and the oh-so tempting snooze button. Sufficient sleep is critical for health, cognitive function, and overall quality of life. Chronic sleep deprivation can be detrimental to physical health, behavior and mental wellbeing at any stage of life, and especially in adolescence. To make things worse, the onset of puberty lengthens the biological clocks of teens, … Continue reading Later school start times may help improve school performance