Climate Change Drives Arctic Greening
Alaska is experiencing fast and expansive consequences of climate change, resulting in an increase in greenness in Arctic areas. Continue reading Climate Change Drives Arctic Greening
Alaska is experiencing fast and expansive consequences of climate change, resulting in an increase in greenness in Arctic areas. Continue reading Climate Change Drives Arctic Greening
As the Arctic gets hotter, its landscape releases more greenhouse gases. According to a new study, the warming Arctic soil’s bacteria may diversify and emit even more greenhouse gas than scientists have thought. Continue reading As the Arctic Warms, Soil Bacteria May Diversify and Release More Carbon Dioxide
As the Roman Republic began to fall, the Earth suffered from extreme cold and famine that helped push Rome’s instability to its ultimate collapse. The cause of the extreme climate? The eruption of an Alaskan volcano on the opposite side of the world. Continue reading Et tu, Okmok? Alaska’s Okmok Volcano Contributed to Fall of Roman Republic and the Ptolemaic Kingdom