Time: 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 6th

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Speaker: Junjie Dong and Matt Brennan

In December 2020, Massachusetts published the 2050 Decarbonization Roadmap with the goal of combating climate change by reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. How will we reach these goals? This talk will present three tools that may lead the way: batteries, wind power, and new strategies for reducing road traffic. Renewable energy sources are very important and powerful, but the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind does not always blow. We can use batteries to store energy for rainy days, and this lecture will discuss a newer, possibly less expensive type of battery for this purpose. Next, we will highlight the more immediate benefits of the switch towards wind power, including improved air quality and human health well before 2050. However, generating and storing clean energy isn’t the whole solution — we also need to reduce energy waste! The cost of wasted fuel and time because of traffic congestion is about $100 billion per year, so we will also discuss potential strategies to reduce traffic by paying people not to travel.

One thought on “April 6: From Blue to Red: How Mars Got and Lost Its Water

  1. What a good idea, paying people not to travel.
    Or at least some incentive to do things differently. Less energy waste. Fossil fuels need to be in the past. These (coal, gas and oil) have been calculated to run out soon anyway. There is no infinite supply. I cannot understand why cooking, heating still uses natural gas. Appliances sold and recommended. What will happen when this gas supply runs out? These appliances may need to be phased out too. Or morphed into something else.
    One notices when there is a power outage, we can do, with less. Unfortunately everything we have today is energy fed. Computers, communication. This cannot be sustainable. We are seeing this now. A fuel crisis. No fuel, everything stops.
    Does anyone recall the very first solar powered calculators of the 1980’s and perhaps earlier. A paternal uncle of mine experimented in the design of some of the first micro- chips and later early Solar Power at a Technology hub set up in Adelaide. South Australia where I live, in the 1960’s for this purpose. He previously assembled black and white, then colour television sets and had a natural ability with technology. He could fix your television. At a time of few television repairmen. Showing me a handful of these microchips in 1971, he said: “One day we will have disposable watches”. This is now the University of South Australia. These watches have been and gone. Previously watches were often made in Switzerland in that era, and very expensive. Cheaper watches came with the micro-chip. The micro -chip was an extension of photo-engraving as used for letterpress printing. (read further)
    This was of interest to me, as I, just 17, was employed as a fashion illustrator pre: photography being used in retail advertising, for a department store x two for almost ten years or the entire 1970’s. One needs to understand the engineering of clothing for this, and of the then printing reproduction system. Illustration for reproduction. Fortunately my father printed fabrics for a textile company. One hand draws at very short notice, half larger than reproduction size, often today for tomorrows publication. There is only one chance to get it right. likened to a surgeon. One cannot mess it up. (letterpress has limitations) My illustrations were reduced by the photo-engraving process for the long process of letterpress printing in our broadsheet and tabloid newspapers.
    The first prototype micro- chips were an extension of this, or made the same way, A hand drawing was reduced photographically, engraved on copper to make a small piece of machinery. Or machinery smaller. This is the early micro-chip. The rest is history. Where would we be without people who pioneer the impossible? Then find it is possible.
    I have explained the above, as this is all relevant to today. Everything builds on something, from the past. It is improved, refined. Added to. Think of the first radio communication. Where would be be without it?
    We travel so much every day. As a parent with now grown up children. I used to think why are we all made, including children to get up each morning, grab breakfast, get into the car and drive to school or preschool. Then do it all over again the next day, and the day after. perhaps children should stay at school all week. And collected once only. This is one model.
    Today I watched a news item on television. Someone has developed a large battery for long haul trucks. This electric battery is designed to be removed and replaced by another, rather than waiting to refuel it at electric refuelling stations. What a great idea. I think many new ideas will come at a time of crisis and shock.
    Hope your seminar goes well. With best wishes.
    Claudia Tregoning nee Marconi.

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