Sit’N Listen! Episode 5: Monsanto in Conversation
Following up on our GMO episode we sat down with Dr. Larry Gilbertson who’s been a scientist at Monsanto for about 20 years, and Vance Crowe, Monsanto’s Director of Millennial Engagement. Can you drink genetically modified beer in England? Do Amish farmers grow GM crops? Find out right here!
Stay tuned for our first episode of Sit’N Society, our new series made in collaboration with Harvard’s Science, Technology, and Society program, which will explore the complex relationship between science, technology and society.
Thanks to Larry and Vance for joining us.
Watch Larry at Boston Skeptics in the Pub here.
Read NPR’s interview with Vance here.
Listen to Talking Biotech. Here’s a link to the episode on citrus greening.
And Angela’s article on CRISPR in neuroscience is right here.
And don’t forget to subscribe to Sit’N Listen on iTunes!
Vini Mani, Elizabeth Jaensch, Amy Gilson, Angela She
SIT’N Listen Producers