Producers: Delphine Tripp (Sit’N Listen); Science by the Pint co-chairs (Pint-Sized Science)
Podcasts are a great way to pass the time while commuting or pipetting—and a great way to share science stories with new audiences. SITN produces two podcasts: Sit’N Listen (longer topic-driven episodes) and Pint-Sized Science (shorter scientist-driven conversational episodes).
In each episode of Sit’N Listen, we bring scientists’ perspectives on intriguing and newsworthy science. Producing episodes is a team effort involving producers, editors, correspondents, and interviewers. If you love audio and communicating science, come be a part of the SiTN podcast team!
For more on Pint-Sized Science, see the Science by the Pint page.Podcast volunteers should: be interested in audio and communicating science,
Podcast volunteers don’t need to: have prior audio experience. You’ll be trained by experienced volunteers.
Interested? We’re currently recruiting editors, correspondents, and interviewers to put together a new series of episodes. Email