Black Holes Have Soft Hair

by Scott Melville figures by Shannon McArdel and Michael Gerhardt You’ll never guess how Google autocompletes: “Do black holes have…” The answer: “…no hair?” This strange question has been debated by physicists for at least forty years, and today it seems we may be approaching an even stranger answer: They have soft hair. That is, at least, according to Stephen Hawking, who visited Harvard in … Continue reading Black Holes Have Soft Hair

Stephen Hawking Makes Big Claims about Black Holes

Stephen Hawking recently announced that he has solved one of the most famous puzzles in science, the black hole information paradox. The information paradox is a conundrum of Hawking’s own making. In the 1970s, he predicted that black holes radiate, evaporate, and eventually disappear. This scenario is particularly concerning, because once inside a black hole, nothing can escape. If a black hole were to completely … Continue reading Stephen Hawking Makes Big Claims about Black Holes