Lights. Camera. Action! How the Hawaiian bobtail squid brings a creative vision to its maritime world of small big screens

by Edward Chenfigures by Jovana Andrejevic On a sunny, nondescript Hawaiian day, a Vibrio fischeri bacterium arises the same as on most other nondescript days: homeless. It hurries along on a ride to work. No, not by car. Not onboard a trolley either. Yes! The great, dynamic Pacific Ocean current. Currency-free and open to all, it’s the road to opportunity and fortune for aquatic hard … Continue reading Lights. Camera. Action! How the Hawaiian bobtail squid brings a creative vision to its maritime world of small big screens

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: A lesson in communication from bacteria

by Molly Sargen figures by Molly Sargen and Aparna Nathan Despite the apprehension one may feel about working in groups, it’s hard to deny that groups are able to do some things individuals cannot. Hundreds of studies have found that working in groups has many benefits, including increased creativity and productivity. Many other studies have aimed to determine optimal conditions for group work. Importantly, most … Continue reading Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: A lesson in communication from bacteria