Cellular error correction – a new way to treat genetic disease?

— Despite major advances in healthcare and disease prevention in the last hundred years, some of the most painful and serious non-infectious human diseases have eluded a cure. These are the so-called genetic diseases, in which a problem in a person’s genetic code causes the body to malfunction. Cystic fibrosis is a classic example, and it was the first genetic disease for which the exact genetic cause was identified. Other devastating genetic diseases include some muscular dystrophies, such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which typically kills patients before they reach their mid twenties. Continue reading Cellular error correction – a new way to treat genetic disease?

Obesity and the Brain: New Findings from Nicotine?

— Obesity and smoking are the two largest causes of premature death in the United States. Obesity causes over 160,000 preventable deaths per year, while cigarette smoking causes over 440,000. The list of diseases caused by obesity and smoking are myriad. To name a few, obesity increases the risk of type II diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, while smoking leads to respiratory problems, heart ailments, and lung cancer. Unfortunately, the rate of obesity is on the rise and has become a national epidemic. What an irony, then, that smoking decreases appetite and weight, a fact that has been long known by scientists and smokers alike. With recent headlines like “Nicotine treatment ‘could control obesity,’” does this mean that smokers should not quit, or that obese individuals should take up smoking? Absolutely not! Continue reading Obesity and the Brain: New Findings from Nicotine?