Why do we get allergies?

–Almost all of us have, or know someone who has an allergy. An allergy is an overreaction of your immune system to something that is foreign to your body, but may not be dangerous to other healthy individuals. People can be allergic to pollen, mold, antibiotics, food such as peanuts or shellfish, or any number of other things in our environment. When exposed to an allergen, your immune system generates an inflammatory response, giving you symptoms like a runny nose, itch, or rash. Scratching and sneezing might be uncomfortable, however in other situations, an allergic reaction can be life threatening. Continue reading Why do we get allergies?

My, What Big Teeth You Have!

–Humans are an extremely visual species, with much of our brains devoted to visual processing. Sight is one of the most important ways we experience our external environment; consequently, it may not be surprising that certain images can invoke a visceral “gut reaction” in us. For example, compare the cuddle factor between a giant panda and a star-nosed mole; chances are the mole with twenty-two tentacles on its face would receive far fewer hugs than the panda. But why is this the case, and what does this have to do with human evolution? Continue reading My, What Big Teeth You Have!